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词汇 肩膀
例句 His shirt hung loosely over his thin shoulders.衬衫在他单薄肩膀的支撑下显得松松垮垮。He leaned his shoulder against a fluted pilaster.他把肩膀靠在刻有凹槽的壁柱上。Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently.她的手紧紧抓住了我的肩膀He was of medium height, but had very broad shoulders.他中等身材,但肩膀很宽。I burned my shoulders over the weekend and they're starting to blister.周末时我的肩膀晒伤了,现在开始起水疱了。She caressed his shoulder lovingly.她爱抚着他的肩膀He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor.他松开她的肩膀,她顿时倒在地板上。She squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.她捏捏他的肩膀,安慰他。My shoulders dropped with relief.我松了口气,绷紧的肩膀也放松下来。Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖动着肩膀I grabbed her by the shoulders. Maybe I was too rough.我一把抓住了她的肩膀。或许是我太粗暴了些。I felt someone tap my shoulder.我感到有人拍了拍我肩膀Jake palmed her shoulder lightly.杰克轻轻地抚摸她的肩膀Your shoulder, hip and knee should all be in alignment.肩膀、髋部和膝盖三者的位置要正确。Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.负重行走时肩膀很容易受伤。The camera strap bothers my shoulder.相机带子勒得我肩膀疼。He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.他感到肩膀被轻轻碰了一下。The blade sliced into her shoulder.刀片刺入她的肩膀He got up, patted her on the shoulder, and gave her a quick kiss.他站起身拍拍她的肩膀,很快地亲了她一下。Tuck your elbows into your sides so that your hands are at shoulder height, with palms facing out to the sides.肘部紧贴身体两侧,使手与肩膀同高,掌心相对。He suffered a separated shoulder.他遭受了肩膀脱臼之痛。In blocking the goal shot, Mario sprained his shoulder.马里奥在挡住射门时扭伤了肩膀Jane snuggled up against his shoulder.简依偎着他的肩膀She stood up straight and squared her shoulders.她站直身体摆正肩膀You should have seen Boris's face when Hugh tapped him on the shoulder. Talk about surprise!你真该看看休拍了一下鲍里斯肩膀时,鲍里斯脸上的表情。那叫一个惊讶!These days rucksacks are made with specially padded straps so that they do not rub against the shoulders.如今背包的背带有特别衬垫,这样就不会擦痛肩膀The policeman kept a firm hand clamped on his shoulder.警察的手牢牢地钳住他的肩膀He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.他轻轻地拍了一下她的肩膀表示鼓励。Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders.马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。Inhale, drop your shoulders and raise your chest.吸气,肩膀放松,挺胸。I impacted the pavement on the right side of my head and shoulder.我右侧头部和肩膀磕在人行道上。The breeze/sun kissed her bare shoulders.微风轻拂/阳光洒照她裸露的肩膀A hand touched her shoulder. She let out a scream.有一只手碰了她的肩膀,她尖叫了起来。Would you massage my shoulders?你能给我按摩一下肩膀吗?He had a steel plate put in his shoulder after the accident.事故后他的肩膀里打了一个钢片。He stood to attention, bracing his shoulders.他立正站着,肩膀绷紧。Stern twitched his shoulders.斯特恩抖了抖肩膀When I get off air around 2am my neck and shoulders are locked with tension.我凌晨两点结束广播时脖子与肩膀绷得紧紧的。He has dislocated his shoulder.他的肩膀脱臼了。She threw her arms around his shoulders.她一把搂住他的肩膀




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