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词汇 sufficiently
例句 Frasier's right foot has not healed sufficiently to allow him to play tonight.弗雷泽右脚没有完全痊愈,今晚不能参加比赛。I don't think the candidate is sufficiently skillful to do the job.我认为这名应聘者的能力不足以胜任这份工作。Her health has improved sufficiently to allow her to return to work.她身体恢复得够好了,可以重新上班了。The taste in my mouth was sufficiently foul to put me off food.我口中的味道令我恶心,吃不下东西。Unqualified members of staff at the hospital were not sufficiently supervised.医院里一些还未取得资格的员工没有受到充分的督导。Make sure that the temperature is sufficiently cool.确保温度足够凉爽。We think you've improved sufficiently to go up to a higher set.我们认为你进步了,能够升到高一级的班上。The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞很大,足够作鸟巢用。She was sufficiently fleet of foot to be able to escape her pursuers.她跑得够快,甩掉了追赶者。Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.学生掌握的数学知识不足以应付大学课程,这让大学老师和用人单位非常担心。The royal family of England has been quite sufficiently biographized.为英国王室写的传记已经够多的了。The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞作鸟巢足够大。The incentive must be sufficiently great to warrant the investment.必须有足够大的回报激励才值得投资。The measurements are sufficiently accurate for our purposes.这些数据对于我们的目的来说已够精确的了。Liberal policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.自由党政策有相当的灵活性,能够适应双方的观点。Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared for university courses.学者和雇主非常担心学生们并未完全准备好学习大学课程。It turned out he had not insured the house sufficiently.原来他没有给房屋投足保险。I had recovered sufficiently by the end of the week to give two more speeches.那个星期结束时我已恢复得很好,完全可以作两个演讲。Some readers may be sufficiently intrigued to unpick the arguments and see why he is right.一些读者可能有足够的兴趣对那些论据条分缕析,想弄清楚他为什么是对的。I don't think his job really stretches him sufficiently.我觉得他的工作没有使他真正充分地施展出自己的本领。Manufacturers hope their new products will be sufficiently distinct to command higher prices.制造商希望新产品足够与众不同,能以更高的价格销售。Water companies are testing recycling units which take grey water and clean it up sufficiently for flushing toilets.用水公司正在测试污水再利用设备,这些设备可以净化污水,其产出的净化水足以用来冲厕。They were sufficiently well off to buy their own apartment.他们生活相当富足,能买得起自己的房子。The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。He was sufficiently bothered by the noise to complain to the manager.他受够了喧哗声,只得向经理投诉。He considered the matter sufficiently important to call her at home.他认为这事足够重要,必须登门拜访她本人。They have nukes, and if they're sufficiently pushed, they'll use them.他们拥有核弹,如果被逼无奈,他们就会使用核弹。Often, a man can enjoy making love but may not be sufficiently aroused to climax.通常情况下,男人可能会享受鱼水之欢,但未必能完全达到高潮。His gentle reprimand shamed her sufficiently.他温和的责备令她羞愧难当。The report is not sufficiently detailed to give us all the information we require.报告不够详细,没有给出我们所需要的全部信息。The service is not sufficiently oriented to the needs of those who use it.这种服务没有足够重视使用者的需要。I'm not sufficiently versed in XML to understand what you're saying.我对可扩展标记语言不太精通,听不懂你的话。It was clear that we would soon have a sufficiently invulnerable strike-back nuclear capacity.很清楚,我们不久将拥有足够坚强的核还击能力。The court stated that the presence of animus revocandi in the destruction of the will had, nevertheless, been sufficiently proven.法庭陈述说,尽管如此,销毁遗嘱所表明的撤销意图仍是有充足证据证明的。Our results have improved sufficiently for us to believe that we must be going in the right direction.我们的业绩提高了,这足以让我们相信我们的路线肯定是正确的。The regime was not sufficiently stable to withstand criticism.这个政权并不稳定,经不起批评。The horse is sufficiently weighted.这匹马驮的东西够重的了。Students must reach a sufficiently high standard to pass.学生必须达到足够高的水准才能通过。




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