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词汇 sudden
例句 There were sudden tears in his eyes and he paused, fighting for control.泪水突然夺眶而出,他停了下来,竭力控制住自己。The sudden snow storm caught us all off-guard.这场突如其来的暴风雪令我们都猝不及防。Gradual change is preferable to sudden, large-scale change.渐变比突然的大规模变化更可取。The car made a sudden swerve to the left.汽车突然向左急转。A sudden silence fell over the room.整个房间突然静了下来。He was struck by a sudden terror which gagged his throat.他被突如其来的恐怖吓得喉部哽住透不过气来。The blow was so sudden and vicious that he dropped to his knees.突如其来的猛然一击使他跪倒在地。The sudden storm queered our plans.突如其来的暴风雨破坏了我们的计划。Her sudden death sparked off a feeding frenzy in the media.她突然离世,导致媒体蜂拥而至,进行报道。She could not withstand such a sudden onslaught.她承受不了如此突然的攻击。A sudden change in temperature will inevitably result in rain.气温的骤变会不可避免地导致下雨。A sudden noise made Ben jump.一声突然的响声吓了本一跳。The branch broke with a sudden crack.树枝突然喀嚓一声断了。There was a sudden crack of gunfire, and the crowd scattered.突然一声枪响,人群四散而逃。He made a sudden move that scared away the squirrel.他突然移动了一下,把松鼠吓跑了。The sudden interruption stopped Beryl in mid-flow.突然的打断使贝里尔的话只说了一半。I had my first cigarette for a year and felt a sudden rush (of dizziness).这是我一年以来第一次抽烟,直感到一阵(晕乎乎的)腾云驾雾的感觉向我袭来。I was astonished at his sudden appearance.我对他的突然出现感到惊讶。His rise to power was very sudden.他的掌权很令人意外。Drop the gun, put your hands in the air, and don't make any sudden movements.把枪放下,手举起来,别轻举妄动。The plane made a sudden descent.飞机突然向下俯冲。She believed Rodney's sudden change in attitude was only a sham.她确信罗德尼的态度突然转变只是一种骗人的把戏而已。They were startled by a sudden flash in the sky.天空中突然划过一道闪电,他们吃了一惊。The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.既需要工作又需要住房的家庭突然大量地涌入,在开始的时候造成了一定的困难。I found his sudden refusal to come to the wedding completely baffling.他突然拒绝出席婚礼,让我觉得极为费解。He nearly cried out at the sudden realization of how much Randall looked like him.当他意识到兰德尔和自己有多么相像时,几乎叫了出来。A sudden temperature drop could lead to a new ice age.温度骤降可能导致冰河时代再度到来。I need some time to think it through - I don't want to make any sudden decisions.我需要一些时间来考虑这件事——我不想匆忙作决定。They sheltered themselves from the sudden rain.他们躲过了突如其来的雨。There was a sudden change in the weather.天气突变。The dog made at me all of a sudden.狗突然向我扑来。Everyone was a little puzzled by her sudden departure.每个人都对她的突然离开有点儿困惑不解。We waited and waited, then all of a sudden we saw a sail on the horizon.我们等了又等,突然看到地平线上出现了一艘帆船。Universities are reporting a sudden drop in the number of students studying science subjects.大学报告说学习理科的学生数量突然下降了。Such a sudden change will unsettle her.这种突变会使她焦虑不安。He managed to pull himself free with a sudden downward movement of his hands.他双手猛地往下一按,终于设法使自己挣脱了出来。A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut.一阵狂风把门吹关上了。If you have a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 20,000 feet, passengers will become torpid and then lose consciousness.如果在两万英尺的高空突然失去舱压,乘客会变得有气无力,继而失去知觉。Rebecca's decision to leave was very sudden.丽贝卡打算离开的决定很突然。A sudden shut-in feeling came over her after everybody left.当大家都走了之后,一种突生的孤独感向她袭来。




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