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In the aftermath of an office affair, more often than not it is the woman who comes off worst.办公室恋情的结果通常是女性吃亏最多。The children struggled through their parents' divorce and its aftermath.在父母离异的风波和余波中,孩子们艰难地挺了过去。Unexploded mines were a big danger to civilians in the aftermath of the war.战后,没爆炸的地雷对平民构成了重大威胁。In the aftermath of the disaster people were too shocked to give a clear picture of what had happened.灾难过后人们心有余悸,无法清晰地描述所发生的一切。Millions died as an aftermath of war.战争的后果是死了几百万人。Many people suffered in the war's immediate aftermath.这场战争的直接后果是让很多人深受其苦。In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.政变结果是军队向游行示威者开火了。The immediate aftermath was negative.直接的结果是负面的。The president visited the region in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.灾难刚一发生,总统就视察了那个地区。Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the earthquake.地震之后,许多人无家可归。In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for a ban on guns.枪击事件的结果是出现了许多禁止枪支的呼吁。In the aftermath of the fire, many people were in need of shelter.火灾过后,许多人迫切需要栖身之所。In the aftermath of the trial, charges of corruption have begun to surface.这场审讯的后果就是对腐败的指控已开始出现。In the immediate aftermath of the riots, a mood of hope and reconciliation sprang up.暴乱过后紧接着出现了期待未来与盼望和解的气氛。How does a country cope with the aftermath of war?一个国家如何处理战后问题?He first took office in the aftermath of the civil war.他初次上任是在内战刚结束时。The country is rebuilding its economy in the aftermath of the war.战争过后,这个国家正在重建经济。In the aftermath of the coup, troops fired on the demonstrators.政变的余波是军队向示威者开了火。Recession in the country has run its course and left an aftermath of uncertainty.该国的经济衰退已经偃旗息鼓,但是余波未了,未来仍然捉摸不定。 |