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词汇 such a
例句 She was such a decent old bird.她是一个如此体面的人。You didn't invite her to the party, did you? She's such a goody two-shoes.你没邀请她参加聚会,是吧?她太假正经了。We'd had such a great vacation, we could hardly bear to leave.我们的假期过得非常愉快,真不愿意离去。Of course I'm telling the truth - you have such a suspicious mind!我当然是在说实话——你太疑神疑鬼了!We knew that we couldn't organize such a big event all by ourselves.我们知道自己无法独力组织这么大的活动。This caused such a ruckus all over Japan that they had to change their mind.这在全日本引起了不小的骚动,他们不得不因此改变主意。I think it was a liberty to ask such a question.我认为提这样一个问题失礼得很。Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.以前从来没有一次峰会的日程排得这么满。The rules make it quite clear what should be done in such a situation.条例中明确规定在这种情况下应当如何处理。He later regretted having made such a rash promise.他后来后悔做出了这么草率的承诺。I declined to go along with such a wild scheme.我无法按这样轻率的计划继续干下去。I wouldn't dream of attributing such a lack of judgment to you.我做梦都想不到你会如此缺乏判断力。How could such a writer be taken seriously?.怎么会把这样一位作家当回事呢?I don't know how you have the face to do such a thing.我真不知道你怎么能如此厚颜,做出这种事来。How could you do it in such a short period of time?.你是怎么在如此短的时间里做到的?This investigation has been mismanaged right from the start - I've never seen such a foul-up.这次调查从一开始就组织不力——我从未见过如此糟糕混乱的情形。I was in such a daze from the painkillers.止痛药的作用让我恍恍惚惚的。Few would have dared to predict such a landslide victory.几乎没有人敢预言会有这样压倒性的胜利。Expecting people to do a good job in such a short time is asking the impossible.指望人们在如此短的时间里把工作做好是不可能的。He's such a miserable so-and-so.他是一个如此可怜的家伙。I can't figure out why she got into such a state of inflammation.我弄不懂她为什么会如此激动。Seeing such a situation, I had to step in.看到这种情况,我不得不出来解围了。He hoped that he could plant the idea in such a way that Abramov would believe it was his own.他希望能把这个想法注入阿布拉莫夫的头脑,但要让他相信这是他自己的念头。They were completely powerless against such a large group.他们完全没有能力对抗一个这么大的组织。Are you sure that you want to proceed against your neighbour over such a trifling matter?你是不是肯定就为这么点小事而起诉你的邻居?I will never do such a thing again.这样的事我决不再干了。She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.她是个完美主义者,连极小的错误都能注意到。Who would want to visit such a godforsaken place?谁会想参观这样一个破地方?It was frightening to look down from such a dizzying/great height.从这么高的地方往下看,吓死人了。Your hair is in such a fearful mess. Have you been shampooing it?你的头发脏乱得可怕。你洗头了吗? He was puzzled as to why he had got such a strange result.他对自己为何得到这样奇怪的结果感到纳闷。That actor is such a hunk!那名男演员太有魅力了!Brian always makes such a drama out of everything.布莱恩总是对什么事都大惊小怪的。I hate going to bars on my own because men look at you in such a predatory way.我不喜欢一个人去酒吧,因为那里的男人会色眯眯地看着你。It was such a small amount that it didn't register on our machine.这个量太小了,我们的机器上显示不出来。No one would believe such a tall story.如此荒诞不经的故事没有人会相信。Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said it was impossible to build a good computer for such a low price.微软主席比尔·盖茨说,以这么低的价格制造优质电脑是不可能的。My mother was such a snob she wouldn't let me play with the local children.我母亲真是个势利眼,她不让我同当地小孩玩。You were such a cute baby!那时候你真是个逗人爱的小宝宝!I could hardly imagine living in such a remote and desolate spot.在这样一个偏远、荒凉的地方生活,我几乎无法想象。




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