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词汇 Such
例句 Such activities by the Americans could be construed as an act of war.美国人的这种活动可以被理解为战争行为。Such people will do anything they can to make mischief.这种人会不遗余力地搞破坏。Such speculation gained added credence.这种猜测被进一步证实了。Such treatment will prod chickens into higher egg production.这种处理会刺激母鸡增加产蛋量。Such a man will be hard pressed to produce something of value.这样的人很难创造出什么有价值的东西。 Such action constitutes an aggression upon women's rights.这种行为是对妇女权利的侵犯。Such coincidences are almost enough to make one believe in fate.这样的巧合几乎足以让人相信命运。Such ingratitude! After all I've done for him, he treats me like dirt.如此的忘恩负义!我为他做了那么多,他却把我不当人看待。Such a position was totally inconsistent with his views.这样一种立场和他的观点完全相悖。Such behaviour is not livable with.这种行为无法容忍。Such cruelty is a disgrace to humanity.这种残忍是人类的耻辱。Such work is not only devalued in that country, its nature is widely misunderstood.这种工作在那个国家不但被贬低,而且工作的性质也被许多人误解了。Such behavior is totally alien to the spirit of the religion.这种行为完全违背了宗教精神。Such pollution can occur when used batteries are dumped in landfills or incinerated.这种污染会在废弃电池被填埋或焚烧时发生。Such doubts were now speedily removed.这种怀疑现在已被迅速消除。Such differences are secondary by comparison with the overriding similarities.与占主要地位的相似点比较起来,这些差别是次要的。Such people are burlesquing good manners and etiquette.这类人正在嘲讽良好修养和礼节。Such unexplained pregnancies have happened before. I need hardly mention the most notorious case.此类不明原因的怀孕之前曾发生过。我就不用提那个最有名的事例了吧。Such behaviour can only reflect discredit upon you.这种行为只会给你招致耻辱。Such a young child does not know chalk from cheese.这样年幼的孩子是不辨是非的。Such things do not happen every day.这种事情不是每天都会发生的。Such beliefs are patently absurd.这样的信仰显然很荒唐。Such tenants are statutorily protected.这样的租户是受到法律保护的。Such things should not happen in a civilized society.文明社会不应该发生这种事情。Such actions warrant a severe reprimand.这样的行为理应受到严厉谴责。Such developments sound like science fiction, but they're not.这些发展听起来就像是科幻小说,但却是事实。Such a criminal was not allowed to take sanctuary and abjure the realm.这样的罪犯不得寻求庇护而具结去国出亡。Such a move obviously would constitute a provocation at the present time.在目前采取这样的行动显然会激出事端。Such a meal did nothing to lift her spirits.这样的一顿饭丝毫提不起她的兴致。Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people.这些计划没什么意义,除非它们对人民产生影响。Such thoughts are now shunted out of mind.这类想法现已被抛在脑后。Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.这样的丑事,唉,也不是没有。Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school.这类行为在本校绝对不能接受。Such questions are uncomfortable to answer.这些问题让人很难回答。Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church.做礼拜时,不允许这种轻浮行为。Such rumours have only recently been exploded.这类谣言直到最近才被戳穿。Such long-term assignments allowed them total immersion in their subjects.这样的长期任务使他们得以潜心研究自己的课题。Such behavior is unusual among literates.这种举止在有文化修养的人中间是不多见的。Such accusations are beneath contempt.这类指责实在不值得一顾。Such sweeping generalizations reveal the writer's prejudices.从这些一概而论的推断足见作者的偏见。




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