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词汇 successor
例句 Andrew Kirkham will be her successor as Chief Executive.安德鲁・柯卡姆将接替她成为首席执行官。It seemed that he had already been anointed as the Marshal's successor.看来他已经被选定作为元帅的继承人。The president was grooming her as his successor.总统在培养她作为他的接班人。The company president will choose her immediate successor.公司总裁将挑选她的继任者。The President's designated successor is his son.总统选派的接班人是他的儿子。The Orchestra is currently searching for a successor to music director James Sedares.管弦乐队目前正在寻找接替音乐总监詹姆斯·赛达瑞斯的人。It was expected that he would nominate Bramwell as his successor.人们都预期他会提名布拉姆韦尔为他的继任者。Their latest offering is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.继广受欢迎的首张专辑后,他们最近奉上了又一力作。She will hand over to her successor in one year's time.她将在一年内向继任者移交权力。He was generous enough to congratulate his successor on his decision.他十分大度地对他的继任者作出的决定表示了祝贺。He had bowed out gracefully when his successor had been appointed.他在继任者被任命后体面地引退了。Mr. Olsen has always avoided anointing any successor.奥尔森先生一直在避免指定继任人。The new Ministry of Food is the successor to the old Department of Agriculture.新的粮食部取代了原来的农业部。Two weeks after the death of Pope John Paul, the cardinals met to elect his successor.约翰·保罗教皇逝世两个星期以后,红衣主教们聚集起来选举他的继任人。It is my intention to remain until a successor is found.我打算留任,直到找到接班人为止。Mason is Case's chosen successor as committee chairman.梅森是凯斯指定的委员会主席接班人。Smyth resigned as Chief Superintendent two months ago and they still haven't appointed his successor.史密斯在两个月以前辞去了总警司的职务,他们仍没有委任继任人。Many people regard him as a likely successor to the current managing director.许多人都认为他有可能接替现任总经理的职位。The Russian Federal Security Service is the main successor to the KGB.俄罗斯联邦安全局是克格勃的主要接替机构。He bequeaths his successor an economy that is doing quite well.他留给继任者接手的经济局面发展势头相当不错。She has been appointed as his successor.她已被指定为他的接班人。Russia, Georgia and Ukraine are three of the successor states to the Soviet Union.俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚和乌克兰是苏联的三个继承国。The executive handpicked her successor.经理亲自挑选了她的接班人。Dawson was earmarked as Reiner's successor as District Attorney.道森被指定为地区检察官赖纳的接班人。Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence.官方消息人士在公开推测谁有可能成为接任劳伦斯博士的人选。Austrian voters went to the polls this weekend to elect a successor to the President.奥地利选民这周末去投票中心选举下届总统。He has been slow in announcing the name of his successor.他迟迟没有宣布继任者的名字。His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor.他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.那名前新闻播音员被认为有可能接替即将离任的广播部主任。There was a widespread presumption that she would appoint him as her successor.人们普遍猜测她会指定他为接班人。Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.按照传统,总统要选定其接班人。I've been relieved of the responsibility of choosing a successor.我已经解脱了,不用再负责挑选接班人了。He has often been mentioned as a potential successor to the current president.他经常作为现任总统的未来接班人而被提及。He doesn't have an obvious successor as party leader.他还没有明确的接班人来继任党的领袖。She handed the reins of the company to her successor. = She handed over the reins of the company to her successor.她将公司权力交给了她的继任者。His resignation raised the question of his successor.他的辞职引出了继任者问题。He is retiring and passing the torch on to his successor.他要退休了,要把工作移交给他的继任者。She is a worthy successor to the mayor.她是当之无愧的市长接班人。He anointed her his successor.他指定她为继任者。The President designated Hussan as his successor.总统指定哈桑为接班人。




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