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Turn that thing off and do your homework!把那破烂玩意儿关掉,做作业!The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.旅馆的礼品店里有上好的印第安手工艺品和各种叫不出名堂的玩意儿。Desktop publishing is probably the best executive toy ever invented.桌面出版系统在有史以来发明的行政人员的玩意儿当中可能是最棒的。This is a big program. You'll need a lot of RAM to run this puppy on your computer.这是个大程序,你得用电脑里大量的内存来运行这玩意儿。There is nothing new here, just the same old ideas in a new guise.这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。It was so small, it could easily have gone unnoticed.这玩意儿太小,很容易被忽视。He's got one of those electronic things, you know, that you can record all your addresses in.他有一个什么电子玩意儿,可以把所有地址都储存进去。The new airplane is a fast animal.这架新式飞机是一种速度很快的玩意儿。They are hep to all the passing fads of the teenage cult.他们很熟悉赶时髦的青少年各种风靡一时的玩意儿。He got the part, and eventually decided the acting lark wasn't half bad.他赢得了那个角色,一番考虑后觉得演戏这玩意儿感觉也还不错。He had no money to spend on trifles.他没有闲钱买些不值钱的玩意儿。Roy can take his stupid ring and shove it!罗伊把他的破戒指拿走好了,什么破玩意儿!The TV show is nothing but fluff.那个电视节目只不过是毫无意思的玩意儿。With one exception his novels are shallow and lifeless things.他的小说都是些肤浅沉闷的玩意儿,只有一本除外。We're going to Andreas's Boutique to pick out something original for both of us.我们要去安德烈亚斯礼品店为我们俩挑选一些新奇玩意儿。I can't get this carton open, the stupid thing.我打不开这个纸板盒,这破玩意儿。Bring that lot over here, will you?把那些玩意儿拿过来,好吗?What's that plastic thingy called?那个塑料的玩意儿是什么?This thing's virtually useless.这玩意儿简直一点用也没有。It came from the days when a motor car was a novelty.这要从轿车还是新鲜玩意儿那会儿说起。He invented a bizarre contraption to open envelopes.他发明了一个开信封的稀奇玩意儿。I don't understand how all this electronic gadgetry works.我不懂这种电子玩意儿的工作原理。They're armed with sub-machine-guns or machine-pistols or whatever you call those things.他们持有轻机枪或者冲锋枪,还是什么玩意儿的。She has only an everyday story to tell.她讲不出什么新鲜玩意儿。That's a big pile of you-know-what.那是一大堆那些玩意儿。A new car! A new house! What next?又是要新车,又是要新楼! 过后又不知还要什么玩意儿呢?He thinks computer and video games are kids' stuff.他觉得计算机和电子游戏都是小孩的玩意儿。It's the whoosis next to the volume control.它就是音量控制钮旁边那个玩意儿。He loved buying cars and expensive toys.他喜欢购买汽车和一些价格昂贵的玩意儿。I can't believe she's trying to pass off this crap as art!我简直不敢相信她想拿这个破玩意儿冒充艺术品!The antique shop was full of curiosities.那家古董店里有许多珍奇玩意儿。 |