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词汇 玩笑
例句 That joke was in very poor taste.那个玩笑很低俗。He attempted a joke, but no one laughed.他开了个玩笑,试图调节气氛,但没有一个人笑。We make jokes about everything – nothing is sacred.我们什么玩笑都开,没什么是不可亵渎的。I like to poke fun at my boss, but he's really not a bad guy.我喜欢开我老板的玩笑,但他人真的不错。He has such a thin skin that he can't even take a little good-natured teasing.他脸皮薄,跟他开一个善意的玩笑他都经不住。The men talk as cheerfully as ever; jests are bandied about freely.男人们像往常一样高兴地聊天,彼此间随意地开着玩笑The comments I received from local spectators were just good-natured banter.当地观众对我的批评只不过善意的玩笑You have taken my little joke too much to heart.你把我的小玩笑太当真了。She engages in friendly banter with her customers.她常和顾客开善意的玩笑I didn't mind their chaff.我不在乎他们的玩笑She's a skillful pilot whose career has—no pun intended —really taken off.她是位技术高超的飞行员,毫不玩笑地说,她的事业真的已经腾飞。The jokes were absolutely appalling.这些玩笑粗俗不堪。He's up to some kind of devilment again, I'll be bound.他又在开什么过火的玩笑了,我敢打赌。I enjoyed hearing their good-natured banter.我喜欢听他们善意的玩笑The writer manages to walk a tightrope between good humor and poor taste.作者在高雅幽默和粗俗玩笑间找到了平衡。It was all just a stupid pathetic joke.那只是一场愚蠢拙劣的玩笑For some reason, she finds his jokes hilarious.不知为什么,她觉得他的玩笑很好笑。His bad jokes drive me batty! 他过分的玩笑把我惹恼了!Cancer is nothing to joke about.对癌症可开不得玩笑She doesn't care for ethnic humor.她不喜欢有关种族的玩笑That joke of his was a bit near the knuckle.他的那个玩笑有点下流。A playful attitude pervades all his work.他的所有作品都包含着一种玩笑的态度。His colleagues soon got fed up with his schoolboy humour.他的同事很快就厌倦了他那种幼稚的玩笑For me this was just a piss-take, a real joke.对我来说,这只是个玩笑,真的是为了逗乐而已。The characters are convinced that they're on another planet, but the audience is in on the joke. 这些剧中人物坚信他们是在另一个星球上,但观众知道这只是个玩笑The trouble is she can't take a joke.问题是她开不起玩笑I can take a joke as well as anyone, but this isn't funny, it's embarrassing.我跟大家一样开得起玩笑,但这不好玩,而且让人尴尬。She made a joke about the food in a muttered/whispered aside to her husband.她低声跟她丈夫开了一个关于这些食物的玩笑I think he's making a joke at our expense.我认为他是在开我们的玩笑It's all just a huge joke to you, isn't it?对你来说这一切都不过是一个天大的玩笑,是不是?Don't be such a sorehead - it was only meant to be a joke.别动不动就发脾气——这只是个玩笑罢了。When we knew it was only a joke, we all burst into relieved laughter.当我们意识到这只是一场玩笑,大家愁眉顿展,畅怀大笑起来。That joke was not in the least funny.那个玩笑一点不好笑。She was working in a hostile environment poisoned by sexist jokes.她在一个不友好的环境里工作,那里充满了性别歧视的玩笑OK, enough joking around - let's talk turkey.好,玩笑开够了,我们来谈正经事吧。It was a joke, of course, but surely a rum sort of joke?这当然是个玩笑,但是这个玩笑也太奇怪了吧?He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it.他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。If I'd known she was so sensitive, I wouldn't have teased her.我要是早知道她这么容易生气,就不会开她的玩笑了。Don't be so sensitive, I was only joking.别太敏感,我不过开了个玩笑He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.他是个傲慢自负的老头,根本开不起玩笑




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