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词汇 success in
例句 These issues determine success in the global marketplace.这些问题决定了能否在全球市场获得成功。His success in the contest elated him.他因在竞赛中获胜而兴高采烈。We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你将来事事成功。The country has had some success in redressing racial inequalities.该国在纠正种族不平等方面取得了一些成功。Financial success in writing is chancy and something few authors ever attain.靠写作致富是靠不住的,没几个作者能实现。She flaunted her success in front of the others.她在他人面前炫耀自己的成功。We wish her every success in this endeavour.我们衷心希望她这次努力奋斗获得成功。Buying the best is as sure a route to success in investment as in any other field.和其他领域一样,投资领域获得成功的途径也是买进最佳商品。Compromise makes for success in negotiations.妥协有助于谈判的成功。There's no royal road to success in this trade.干这一行想成功是没有捷径的。Her son's success in college was an excellent return on her investment.她儿子在大学里的成功是她最好的投资回报。If we only have some success in reducing the number infected with HIV, I feel it will have been worthwhile.只要我们在减少艾滋病病毒感染人数这个工作上取得一定的成功,我就觉得这是值得的。The human factor is crucial to success in team management.人的因素对团队的成功管理至关重要。The family seems to have a knack for success in business.这个家族好像掌握着做生意的成功秘诀。He has the ability to achieve success in whatever field of endeavour he should choose.他有能力在他选择从事的任何领域获得成功。The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.在竞争异常激烈的模特界,这一享有盛誉的头衔打开了通往成功的大门。K. Branagh and co. achieved great success in a very short time.布拉纳那帮人在很短的时间内取得了巨大的成功。Her career was my template for success in the publishing industry. 她的职业生涯是我在出版业取得成功的样板。Failures in this area will have to be compensated for by successes in other areas.这一方面的失败必须由其他方面的成功来弥补。The Santa Barbara seismic research team has had some success in predicting earthquakes.圣芭芭拉地震研究小组在预测地震上取得了一些成绩。The whole school is/are delighted about Joel's success in the championships.全校师生都为乔尔在锦标赛中的胜利感到高兴。It's illusory to think success in life in the long haul has to do with how successful you are at work alone.认为未来人生的成功只与工作的成功有关是一种错误的观念。Endurance is an important factor of success in sports.耐力是运动中取得胜利的重要因素。Our department has had several impressive successes in the past year.我们部门在过去的一年里有过几次卓有成效的尝试。Community leaders have had some success in democratizing the organization.社区领导人在推进这一机构的民主化方面取得了一些成就。Let's drink to your success in your new job.让我们为你在新的工作中取得成功而干杯。The success in the election strengthened the party's position considerably.在选举中获得成功大大地巩固了该党的地位。She hoped that her college degree would put her on the fast track to success in the business world. 她希望她的大学文凭会帮助她在商界迅速成功。Mankind has phenomenal success in the exploration of outer space.人类在外太空的探索上有著非凡的成就。The band owed their success in no small part to his unswerving support.该乐队的成功在很大程度上有赖于他坚定不移的支持。Beckenbauer coached the West Germans to success in the World Cup final in Italy.贝肯鲍尔执教西德队,带领他们在意大利世界杯决赛中获胜。Some women have managed to achieve success in football. A case in point is Anne Spencer.有些女子努力在足球上取得了成功,安妮·斯潘塞就是一个好例子。She had some success in bartering with her guards.她拿东西和看守她的人作交换,有了一定的作用。I am very heartened by her success in the election.她在竞选中获胜令我大受鼓舞。I've had some success in getting rid of the weeds.我除草已小有成效。Her achievements in politics imitated her earlier successes in business.她政治上的成就如同她早先经商时的成功业迹。There is no magic formula for achieving success in the business world.在商界取得成功是没有神奇妙方的。Reproductive medicine enjoys spectacular success in procreating news stories.生殖医学领域创造了一条又一条新闻。Constant practice is the groundwork for success in playing the piano.要弹得一手好钢琴,经常练习才是根本。Saturday's defeat has dashed their hopes of success in the FA Cup this year.星期六的失败使他们在今年足总杯上获胜的希望落空。




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