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词汇 side by side
例句 We're usually working side by side with the men.通常我们和男性一起并肩工作。We can see a day where all people live side by side.我们可以想象有那么一天所有人都和睦地生活在一起。The two runners were side by side until one pulled ahead.两位跑步运动员一直并驾齐驱,直到其中一人胜出。I was running side by side with our captain.我和队长一起跑步。The children sat side by side on the sofa watching television.孩子们肩并肩地坐在沙发上看电视。The tribes have lived peacefully side by side for many years.这些部落多年来一直和平地生活在一起。People worked side by side to rescue the trapped coal miners.人们紧密合作,营救被困的煤矿工人。Let's put them side by side for comparison.把它们放在一起比较一下吧。The two bottles stood side by side on the table.两个瓶子并列在桌上。We walked along slowly, side by side.我们并肩慢慢地走着。You can really see the similarities when you place the two pictures side by side.如果你把这两幅画放在一起,就确实能看出它们的相似之处。The Muslim residents say they are ready and willing to live side by side with their neighbors again.穆斯林居民称,他们非常乐意和邻居重修旧好,和睦相处。The two sat side by side on the bench.两人并排坐在凳子上。Put the eggplants side by side in a serving dish.将茄子码齐放在上菜用的盘子里。It was a great experience - people from so many very different backgrounds living side by side.这真是了不起啊一那么多背景很不相同的人能相安无事地生活在一起。The two tribes had lived peacefully side by side for centuries.这两个部落已经和平共处了几百年。They stood side by side at the altar.他们并排站在祭坛上。It was a strange situation with Washington, Pretoria and Peking fighting side by side.彼得、汤姆和约翰并肩作战,这真是个奇怪的局面。They have lived side by side for many years without conflict.他们已经共同生活多年,一直相安无事。We have worked side by side for many years.我们一起共事好多年了。The boots were neatly placed side by side.长筒靴整齐地并排放着。The two girls stood side by side.那两个女孩并肩站着。Soldiers worked side by side with civilians to rebuild the city.军民合作,共同重建这座城市。We walked side by side down the hallway.我们并排沿着走廊走去。It is still a useful exercise to set such contrary ideas side by side.把这些相反的想法列出来还是有帮助的。People of many different races were living side by side.许多不同种族的人生活在一起。We rode side by side through the forest.我们并排骑车穿过森林。Sabina and Mel sat side by side in the back seat.萨比纳和梅尔并排坐在后座上。The teacher told the two groups of students to walk together side by side.老师告诉两组的同学联合行动。The fuel tanks were lashed together, upright and side by side.燃料箱被捆扎在一起,竖直并排摆放着。The two peoples will walk together side by side.两国人民将继续联合行动。We sat side by side on two wicker seats.我们在两把柳条椅上肩并肩坐着。The two girls were standing side by side.这两个女孩肩并肩站着。




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