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词汇 打法
例句 The referee said it was a legal play.裁判称打法符合规则。The coach has a strong defensive strategy.教练布置了加强防守的打法The team's superb athleticism compensated for their lack of international experience.这个球队打法精湛,弥补了其国际比赛经验不足的缺陷。The way Liverpool play, and the way we play, I think it will be a cracking game.利物浦队的打法再加上我们的打法,我想那会是一场很精彩的比赛。Playing with a flat back four involves pressing and defending as a unit. 采用四后卫平行站位的打法要求作为一个整体共同进退。The naval war was fought offensively.海战采用了进攻打法Once you've mastered the basic strokes of squash, the rest is relatively simple.一旦你掌握了壁球的基本打法,其他的就相对简单了。The crowd enjoyed the Fijians' running rugby.观众喜欢斐济队持球跑动进攻的打法I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.我总是采取防守型打法,等待对手犯错。Both sides adopted the Continental style of play.双方都采用了欧陆式打法The local team had a bad reputation for playing rough.这支地方队打法粗野,臭名远扬。They were being given tips on tennis strokes.他们正在接受网球打法方面的指导。The goal was just reward for Villa's decision to attack constantly in the second half.在下半场,维拉队持续进攻的打法为他们赢得了这个进球。They have played an expansive style of rugby.他们采取了向外展开的橄榄球打法The quarterback gained five yards on a keeper.四分卫利用护球推进打法向前推进了五码。They rely heavily on sending long balls into the box.他们很依赖长传入禁区的打法Both players won their first-round matches in aggressive style.两名选手都以敢打敢拼、志在必得的打法赢得了第一轮比赛。He studied the new plays in the team's playbook.他研究了球队战略手册中的新打法He plays smart and the fans appreciate that.打法灵活,粉丝们都很欣赏他这一点。Both sides adopted the continental style of play.双方都采用了欧陆式打法This season Italian teams are shedding the constipated style of play that predominates at home.意大利队在这个赛季中摆脱了主场作战时放不开手脚的打法




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