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词汇 substance
例句 A sticky substance exuded from the pine tree.一种黏性物质从松树上渗了出来。Resin is a dark, sticky substance.树脂是一种深色黏性的物质。The band is all glitz and no substance.这个乐队华而不实。There is a sticky substance on the table.桌上有个很黏的东西。The substance conducts electricity more efficiently at raised temperatures.这种材质温度越高导电性越强。Electric wires should be insulated with a non-conducting substance.电线应该用非导体绝缘。There was little substance to his claims.他的说法没什么根据。Pine trees exude a sticky substance.松树会分泌出一种黏性物质。This substance has now been cloned by molecular biologists.该物质现在已被分子生物学家克隆。Alchemists believed gold contained a substance that could transmute the corruptible human body into an incorruptible and eternal one.炼金术士相信黄金中有一种物质,能让本会腐烂的人体永不朽坏。After extraction and distillation, the substance is known as jasmine concrete.经过萃取和蒸馏的物质就是茉莉浸膏。Australian researchers have discovered a substance in coffee that acts like morphine.澳大利亚研究人员在咖啡中发现了一种作用类似吗啡的物质。The agglutinate substance occurred because you left the two chemicals under the heat too long.因为你使这两种化学品受热太久,所以产生了凝集物质。The book lacks substance.这本书内容空洞。The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.原先计划是要将少量的放射性物质封存在一个钢质防护罩中。He stated, in substance , that it is not his fault and he will not pay for damages.他所说的中心意思就是,这并不是他的错,他也不会赔偿任何损失。She married a man of substance.她嫁给了一个有钱有势的大人物。A system of valves limits accidental releases of the substance.一套阀门系统阻止该物质的意外泄漏。We're detecting more depression and substance abuse in younger populations.我们发现年轻人中抑郁和酗酒吸毒问题日益严重。Heroin is an addictive substance.海洛因是一种使人上瘾的毒品。He did not actually touch the substance, but may have inhaled it.他并没有实际接触那种物质,但也许吸进了一些微粒。There is a world of difference between home-made bread and the tasteless substance that many people buy today.家里自制的面包与许多人今天买的淡而无味的东西之间有着天壤之别。The substance of Marx's views is the same in both of these books.马克思观点的中心意思在这两本书中是相同的。The letters lent substance to the claims.这些信给索赔诉求提供了依据。Nothing of substance was achieved at the meeting.会议没有取得任何实质性成果。The wood is coated with a special substance that protects it from the sun.木材上涂着一层特殊的防晒物质。No substance at all, just froth.没有任何内容,只是空洞的想法。Codeine is a controlled substance. 可待因是一种管制药物。The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.该运动员坚持说他只是服用了感冒药而不是什么禁药。There's no substance in the story.这篇报道没有根据。Their allegations were without substance.他们的指控没有根据。The substance of his discussions doesn't really matter.他讨论的主旨实际上无关紧要。The campus is a substance-free environment.校园是一个没有毒品的地方。The statement said, in substance, that the conviction was completely unfair.陈述的内容实质上是说这种定罪完全不公平。His art criticism had external brilliance but no substance.他的艺术评论表面上才气横溢,实际上空洞无物。The substance itself is flavourless, but it is said to bring out the flavour of other ingredients.这种物质本身没有味道,但据说可以帮助其他配料提味。This is how we see our tasks, and the substance and content of our work for the forthcoming period.这就是我们对工作任务的看法,以及下一阶段我们工作的实质与内容。The substance that's causing the problem comes from the barley.引起该问题的物质来自大麦。In its purest form, the substance is highly explosive.以最纯的形式存在时,这种物质是高度易爆的。This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.这种物质辐射性很强,在黑暗中都可以发出亮光。




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