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词汇 species
例句 We performed a comparative analysis of genes from different species.我们比较分析了不同物种的基因。The two species resemble each other.两个物种很相像。Several hundred species of birds inhabit the island.有数百种鸟栖息在这个岛上。This species of spider is extremely poisonous.这种蜘蛛有剧毒。Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.非法狩猎正威胁到物种的生存。There may be striking variations within a species.同一物种中可能出现惊人的变异。She is credited with bringing several species back from the brink of extinction.人们认为是她拯救了几个濒临灭绝的物种。Overfishing threatens the survival of certain fish species.过度捕捞对某些鱼类的生存构成了威胁。This bird is atypical of most species here in that it does not build a nest.这种鸟不筑巢,并不是这里大多数鸟类的典型。Darwin's theory of evolution explains how different species came into being.达尔文的进化论阐述了不同物种是如何出现的。The species is named for its discoverer.这一物种是以其发现者的名字命名的。The area is rich in different plant species.该地区植物物种丰富。Birds of many species pair before they display.许多种鸟类在作求偶炫耀行为之前交配。Ecologists no longer view different species as independent, but instead see them as pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.生态学家不再将不同物种视为彼此独立,而认为它们密切关联,共同构成一个整体The cat and the lion are related species.猫和狮子同属一科。We should be discouraging the unnecessary destruction of any wild species.我们应该阻止任何不必要的灭绝野生物种的行为。Most species live off aquatic snails.很多物种以吃田螺为生。There I saw a species of husky.在那里我看到了一种爱斯基摩犬。The species is in peril of dying out.这种物种濒临灭绝。This species is only found in West Africa.这一物种仅见于西非。Given patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved.只要有耐心,是能成功培育出这一品种的。Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.观察到了七种猛禽。Divers found this unique species of fish at the substratum of the sea.潜水夫在海的底层发现了这个独特的鱼种。The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.这种南美捕食者的到来威胁到了当地物种的生存。Evolution requires intermediate forms between species.进化要求物种之间有过渡形式。Many species of plant life continue to be eradicated in South American rain forests.南美热带雨林的许多植物种类在不断消失。How do you distinguish between various species of deer?你怎样区别各种类别的鹿? A number of species could soon disappear forever.许多物种可能在短期内灭绝。The bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species. 白头雕不再被认为是濒危物种。The two species share a common ancestor.这两个物种有一个共同的祖先。Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着筑巢。Many endangered species now face extinction.许多濒危物种现正面临灭绝。Some birds may crossbreed freely with other species.有些鸟可以任意与其他种类的鸟杂交。The ecologists will jump down our throats if we kill an endangered species for sport.如果我们杀死一只濒临绝种的动物取乐,生态学家就会猛烈抨击我们。Scientists will try to determine whether the virus has crossed over to any other species.科学家们将查明这种病毒是否会影响到其他物种。The rhinoceros is one of the world's oldest surviving species.犀牛是世界上幸存的最古老的物种之一。The species is in imminent danger of extinction. 这一物种濒临灭绝。Predators have been observed to avoid attacking brightly coloured species.据观察发现,捕食性动物会避免袭击色彩鲜艳的物种。Scientists have discovered a new species of Eucalyptus tree.科学家发现了桉树的一个新品种。The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.地球上物种的总数似乎在激增。




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