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词汇 specimen
例句 That taxidermist displayed tremendous dexterity in making the tiger specimen looking alive.那位标本制作者展现出极致的灵巧让老虎的标本看起来栩栩如生。The doctor asked me to make water to provide a specimen for analysis.医生要我小便以作化验分析的抽样。A specimen exam paper is available for each course.每门课都有一份考试样卷。The church is a magnificent specimen of baroque architecture.这座教堂是巴洛克建筑的杰出代表。He mounted a specimen on a slide for examination with a microscope.他把标本固定在显微镜的载片上用于观察。It was a specimen of his generosity.这是他慷慨大度的一个实例。This is a fine specimen of a walnut tree.这是一棵上等的胡桃树。Her dance partner is a superb physical specimen.她的舞伴是体格健壮者的典型代表。If your urine specimen shows the presence of bacteria, you'll be prescribed antibiotics.如果你的尿样显示有细菌存在,医生会给你开抗生素。The doctor will need a specimen of your blood for testing.医生需要你的血样进行化验。The motorist may be required to give a urine specimen.驾车者可能被要求提供尿样。This is a specimen of the new fabric.这是新布料的样品。Her boyfriend is an impressive physical specimen.她的男朋友是体型很健美的那种人。The Slovene bank has printed a specimen bank note.斯洛文尼亚银行已经印刷了纸币票样。He was a fine specimen of British manhood.他是英国男人的好榜样。Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting.工作申请者必须提交一份书法样本。Place the specimen on a microscope slide.把标本放到显微镜载物玻璃片上。The geologist chipped the specimen out of the rock face.地质学家从岩石表面凿下标本。The first recorded specimen of the fish was caught in the Pacific.首条有记载的这种鱼是在太平洋捕到的。He is a fine specimen of his class.他是他那类人的典型代表。You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen.他们会要你提供血样。They were thrilled to discover a beautifully preserved specimen of Roman pottery.他们因发现了一件保存完好的罗马时代陶器而欣喜若狂。Good gracious, look at that specimen will you?哎呀,你快来瞧瞧那个标本!




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