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例句 The book was banned in the US, as were two subsequent books.这本书在美国遭禁,随后出版的两本也是一样。Her work had a great influence on subsequent generations.她的工作对后代影响深远。In subsequent interviews, Steele has contradicted his original story.在随后的面谈中,斯蒂尔的说法与他原先的说法自相矛盾。On the day subsequent to the earthquake he went to London.在地震发生的第二天,他去了伦敦。The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.第一次会议将在市政府大楼召开,但以后的各次会议均会在学校举行。His negligence of duty and subsequent dismissal from his job brought on a crisis in his life.他玩忽职守,随之遭到解雇,这在他的生活中引起了一次危机。Many of Marx's theories were disproved by subsequent events.后来的事件证明他的许多理论是不正确的。These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.这些技能被传给了后代。Any unspent money in the account will roll over to subsequent years.账户中所有未用完的资金将结转到后续年份。The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.书中讲述了他患病及随后隐退政坛的事。They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year.继去年在杯赛半决赛中获胜后,他们仅又赢过一场比赛。On the day subsequent to his visit, she disappeared.在他访问的第二天,她失踪了。A will or any part thereof may be revoked by a subsequent will.后来所立的遗嘱可以撤销之前的遗嘱或其中的任何内容。Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.患眼疾可能表明生活方式不健康,而且免疫系统同时受到抑制。These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.后来这些技术就传给了后代的工匠。The police are increasing their efforts to prevent car thefts and subsequent ram-raiding.警方正在加大力度防止汽车盗窃以及随之产生的飞车抢劫商店的犯罪。The problem will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters.这个问题将在后面几章详细讨论。Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.记忆会受到后来经历的深刻影响。He made numerous errors of fact and was torn to pieces during the subsequent question time.他犯了数不清的事实错误,并在随后的答疑时间中被批得体无完肤。Louis costumed her in several subsequent films.路易斯在随后的几部电影中为她设计服装。This serves to detract the readers' attention from the subsequent policy debate.这会转移读者对之后的政策辩论的注意力。Regular light exercise can depress the appetite and subsequent food intake.定期进行轻度锻炼可以抑制食欲、减少进食量。Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.随后发生的事使之前关注的那些问题显得无足轻重。




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