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词汇 里奇
例句 Roman vessels used to sail with the tide from Boulogne to Richborough.罗马的船只过去经常乘着潮汐从布洛涅航行到里奇伯勒。Richie couldn't believe he had been set up and duped by his friends.里奇无法相信自己竟然被朋友设下圈套欺骗了。Ricci's book tries to correct this erroneous view of ancient China.里奇的书试图纠正这种对古代中国的错误看法。Richey's not miming, he's playing very quiet guitar.里奇并没有假装演奏,他是在很轻地弹吉他。Kitty Aldridge has sacrificed all for her first film.姬蒂·奥尔德里奇为自己的首部影片牺牲了一切。It is difficult to know wherein Mr Ritchie hoped to find salvation for his country.很难弄清里奇先生希望从哪里为他的国家求得救助。Mr Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture.里奇先生每周将就美国社会与文化发表两篇评论文章。Scribner will bring out a memoir by Candace Gringritch in the autumn.斯克里布纳出版社今年秋天将出版坎达丝·格林格里奇的回忆录。Coleridge was also a highly unstable person.科尔里奇还是个情绪非常不稳定的人。This is one classy dame you've got yourself here, Rich.里奇,你找的这个女人可真是有品位啊。There's lots going on at Selfridges this month.塞尔福里奇百货公司这个月有很多活动。The museum also has a mail-order catalogue and a concession at Selfridges.这个博物馆还有邮购目录,并在塞尔福里奇百货公司有一个铺位。Richey set out in knee-high snow for the last stage of the climb.里奇从没膝深的雪地出发,准备做最后阶段的攀登。In the early hours of this morning, the hostages were reunited with their families at Point Reach airbase.今天凌晨,人质在里奇角空军基地与家人团聚。Park Ridge is the prototypical American suburb.帕克里奇是典型的美国郊区。




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