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词汇 subordinate
例句 She refused to accept the definition of woman as man's subordinate.她拒绝接受女人是男人附属品的定义。The priests are subordinate to the bishops.牧师服从于主教。We will go to the theatre tonight [main clause] if we can get tickets [subordinate clause].如果能买到票〔从句〕,今晚我们就去看戏〔主句〕。It was an art in which words were subordinate to images.这是一种形象胜于语言的艺术。Sometimes he deputed the interrogation to a subordinate.有时,他把审讯的工作交给下属。To keep his job, he had to subordinate his interests to the objectives of his company.为保住他的工作,他不得不以公司的目标为主,自己的利益其次。Women were regarded as subordinate to free men.过去女人被认为是从属于自由民的。A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.上校级别低于准将。Women were subordinate to men.女人以前是从属于男人的。In some cultures, the welfare of the individual is subordinate to the welfare of the group.在一些文化中,与集体幸福相比个人幸福是次要的。Pleasure should be subordinate to duty.与工作相比,娱乐应是第二位的。One or two subordinate questions arose during our discussions.在我们的讨论过程中出现了一两个次要的问题。These aims were subordinate to the main aims of the mission.和这次任务的主要目标相比,这些目标是次要的。He had an essentially subordinate role.他实质上处于从属地位。Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.斯塔尔茨把控制权交给了他的下属。She was directly subordinate to the president.她直接听命于总裁。He handed the case down to one of his subordinate officers.他把这起案件交给了他的一个下级官员。He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim.为了这个目标他愿意并能够把其他一切都放在次要的位置。




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