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词汇 straight face
例句 When reading some of the competition entries, it was hard to keep a straight face.看着有些参赛作品,让人忍俊不禁。She said with a straight face she saw green spacemen in the back yard.她面无表情地说她在后院看到绿色外星人。Barbara tried to keep a straight face, but in the end she just couldn't help laughing.芭芭拉想板起脸,可最后还是忍不住笑了。She lied with a straight face.她说谎的时候一脸正经。What went through Tom's mind I can't imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face.汤姆在想什么我不知道,但他确实忍住没笑。She tried to keep a straight face but, unable to contain herself, burst into laughter.她努力要板起脸来,可是没有忍住,爆发出了一阵大笑。You have to wonder how anyone could say that seriously and with a straight face.你一定会惊奇怎么会有人能绷着脸、一本正经地说出那些话。I don't know how I kept a straight face.我不知道自己当时怎么会那样一本正经。They couldn't keep a straight face.他们没法不笑出来。




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