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词汇 诅咒
例句 In the book the evil witch curses the villagers.在这本书中,邪恶的女巫念咒语诅咒村民。The land seemed to be under a curse, for nothing would grow there.这块土地似乎遭到了诅咒,因为这里寸草不生。She was haunted by the thought that she had willed his death. 她一直觉得是自己的诅咒害死了他。He damned her with his dying breath.他用他最后一口气诅咒了她。He did not curse or blaspheme.他既没有诅咒也没有亵渎。He uttered blasphemies against life itself.诅咒人生本身。They claimed that the witch had cursed their cattle.他们声称女巫对他们的牛下了诅咒He was answered with a torrent of oaths.他得到的回答是滔滔不绝的诅咒My grandmother was a very moral woman; she'd never allow cursing.我祖母是很讲究道德的人;她从不允许诅咒The whole family seemed cursed.这一家子似乎都遭到了诅咒There's a curse on those who violate the tomb of the king.亵渎了国王墓地的人会受到诅咒We were cursing the Germans, and now we are buddying with them.过去我们诅咒德国人,现在我们却和他们做朋友。With his last breath he cursed his captors.他用最后的一口气诅咒绑架他的人。Maybe there is a curse on my family.可能我的家族受到了诅咒She had threatened to put a curse on their crops.她威胁说要对他们的庄稼下诅咒God damned Lucifer to hell.上帝诅咒撒旦下地狱。The old woman cursed her enemies.那位老妇人诅咒她的敌人。He chuckled/smiled/cursed inwardly.他暗自低声轻笑/微笑/诅咒Better still, you can point the bone at your enemies.更好的是,你可以诅咒自己的敌人。When the old man was angry, he threatened to put a spell on the whole tribe.那个老头发怒时威胁说他要对整个部落下诅咒Here comes the smut, Martha. Dad is drunk and cursing heaven again.玛莎,脏话出来了。爸醉了,又在诅咒老天爷。He was now cursing the day he ever got involved.他现在诅咒老天把他也卷了进来。She thought that she must be under a curse.她认为自己肯定是受人诅咒而遭了殃。They were starting to believe that the house was cursed.他们开始相信这房子遭到了诅咒There is a curse on this family.这一家人受到了诅咒Legend says that the forest is cursed.传说那是一片受了诅咒的森林。Your treacherous actions to the cause of peace will bring down on you the maledictions of mankind.你对和平事业的背叛行径将使你受到全人类的诅咒He's been the object of a voodoo curse.他受到伏都教的诅咒He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets.他用上许多粗鲁的修饰词来诅咒我。The ground was cursed because of him.这个场地因他而受到诅咒John emitted a few curses.约翰发出几声诅咒




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