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例句 Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit.家庭内稳定的关系对孩子们有益。The point is made rather sketchily and would benefit from some amplification.对这一点的说明过于简略,扩充一下会更好。Profitability is expected to benefit from synergies between the two operations.这两家企业的齐心协力有望提高其盈利能力。The company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。Many people benefited from his countless generosities.许多人受惠于他数不清的慷慨行为。Only a small minority of children get a chance to benefit from this.只有一小部分孩子有机会受益于此。I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.我认为女性无论从事什么工作,加入工会都是有好处的。A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.口吃的孩子可以从言语矫治中获益。The benefits from pure research are often indirect.纯理论研究带来的益处常常是间接的。It seems axiomatic that everyone would benefit from a better scientific education.更好的科学教育会使每个人受益,这似乎是不言自明的。The teachers adapted the curriculum so that students of all abilities will benefit from it.老师们对课程进行了调整以使禀赋各异的学生都能从中获益。Some critics say that only wealthy people will benefit from the tax cuts.一些评论家认为,只有富人才能从减税中获益。It is cheering to see that customers are to benefit from a rebate on their electricity bills.想到顾客将享受电费部分退款优惠就叫人心里高兴。The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole.从这些改革受益的是富人,而不是全体国民。Learners will benefit from using the book in conjunction with the video.这本书配合录像一起使用,学习者会有所得益。To get the most benefit from your training programme, read all the documentation carefully.为了能从培训计划中获得最大的收益,请仔细阅读所有的文件。Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the real loser will be the American taxpayer.无论谁从政府的新计划中获益,真正吃亏的都将是美国的纳税人。The community benefits from having an excellent health service.这个社区因为出色的医疗保健设施而受益。I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.补牙可能对我有好处。People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.练瑜伽的人内心的幸福感会不断增强。All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。Our company could benefit from some new blood. 我们公司会因增加一些新生力量而受益。They aim to extract the maximum political benefit from the Games.他们旨在通过举办奥运会获得最大的政治利益。The patients benefited from the treatment.病人们受益于这种治疗。The report hardly mentions the many patients who have benefited from the treatment.报道中几乎提都没提得益于这种治疗方法的许多病人。We have benefited from a spillover of prosperity from neighboring states. 我们已经从邻近各州的繁荣所产生的辐射效应中受益。We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.我们从她的忠告中得到很多益处。The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.如果提议的税制改革得以实施,富人和低收入人群的受益程度将会有所区别。You could probably benefit from anger management classes.上一下生气情绪管理课很可能对你有好处。All steaks will benefit from a bashing, as this breaks up the muscle fibres that comprise most of the meat.大力击打适用于准备各类烹饪用的肉块,因为这样可以打断组成肉块的肌肉纤维。The global economy can cut both ways, as some of a country's industries benefit from increased opportunity, and others lose to overseas competition.全球化经济是一把双刃剑,一个国家中的有些行业可以从增加的机会中得到好处,有些行业则会输给来自海外的竞争对手。The aim is to help patients to obtain most benefit from their treatment.目的是要帮助病人取得最大的疗效。These apparent gains disguise the fact that the poor people fail to benefit from these programmes.这些表面所得掩盖了穷人从这些计划中并无得益的事实。Both sides have benefited from the talks.双方都从谈判中获益。Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.听自己声音的录音回放对特德可能会有帮助。Amnestied illegals benefit from affirmative action programme.获得大赦的非法移民从反歧视行动计划中受益。I didn't have the know-how to be able to benefit from the situation.我没有能从这种局面中获利的本领。Many have benefited from her wise counsel/advice.许多人得益于她睿智的忠告/建议。Some groups, namely students and pensioners, will benefit from the new tax.有些群体,即学生和领退休金的人,将从新税制中受益。I benefited from the experience.我从经验中受益。




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