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词汇 stone
例句 At the head of the stone steps arose an archway.在石阶的顶端出现一道拱门。Magical powers were once thought to be attached to the stone. 人们一度认为这块石头有魔力。People often don't appreciate that marble is a natural stone.人们经常不了解大理石是一种天然石料。By the time we found him he was stone-dead.我们发现他时,他已经完全断气了。The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。A teaching post is often only a stepping stone to a better paid profession.教书的职位常常只是通往更高薪酬职业的台阶。Although he saw her cheating, he didn't want to cast the first stone.虽然他看见她舞弊,但不想对她开头炮。Many students see university as a stepping stone to a good job.很多学生现在将上大学看成是找一份好工作的敲门砖。Metal tools replaced their stone counterparts many, many years ago.很久很久以前,铁制工具就取代了石制工具。Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone.有时在松动的石头下可以同时看见栖息的陆生动物和水生动物。A stone hit his head and the street reeled before his eyes.一块石头砸在他头上,他顿时觉得街道在他眼前打旋。The stone was poised in his hand, ready to be thrown.他手举石块准备扔出去。She could imagine dark-robed figures moving silently along the stone corridors.她能想象得出身穿黑袍的人影悄悄穿过石头走廊的样子。We can kill two birds with one stone by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery store.我们可以在去杂货店时顺便寄信,这样就能一举两得了。The flame was killed stone dead.火焰已被彻底扑灭。Hillsden took a sip of tea, but it was stone cold.希尔斯登啜了一口茶,但茶是冰冷的。These new rules are not carved in stone; if they don't work, we'll change them.这些新规定不是永久的;如果没效果,我们就进行更改。The native women grind the wheat with heavy stone implements.本地妇女用沉重的石器来碾小麦。A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace.一段石阶通向露台。Stanford Hospital is only a stone's throw from where I live.斯坦福医院离我住的地方只有几步之遥。The stone wall cuts across the field on a diagonal. 石墙斜着穿过田地。A stone hit the windshield and cracked it.一块石头打到挡风玻璃上使玻璃破裂了。His latest novel sank like a stone.他的最新小说完全失败了。Noah threw a stone high into the air and it plopped into the river.诺厄把一块石头抛得高高的,然后它扑通一声落入河里。She strove to read the name on the stone pillar.她费劲地读着石柱上的名字。The stone was engraved with his date of birth.这石块上刻著他的生日。A fox came along and gave the stone a good sniff.一只狐狸走过来把那块石头闻了又闻。He's a rolling stone.他是个无法安定下来的人。The wood had been painted to simulate stone.木头上刷了漆以看起来像块石头。The soldiers broke step when they crossed the stone bridge.士兵们过石桥时乱了步伐。She caught the child up in her arms when he stumbled on a stone.孩子在石头上绊了一脚,她急忙把他抱了起来。He seized up a great stone, and crowded it chock against the slipping wheel.他搬起一块大石头,用它紧紧地轧住那只打滑的轮子。If a solution can be found, Mr Danby, I shall leave no stone unturned until I have found it.丹比先生,如果能够找到解决途径,我会想尽一切办法,一定要找到。My mother used a special stone to sharpen kitchen knives.我母亲用一块特殊的石头磨菜刀。His name was incised on the stone.他的名字刻在石头上。He hopped the flat stone over the lake's surface.他抛出一块扁平石块在湖面上打水漂。Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it.他弯腰捡起一块大石头投了出去。Who could cut the millions of stone blocks and fit them together?.谁能切割出这数百万块的石块,再把它们堆叠起来呢?There's a chip on the windshield where a stone hit it.挡风玻璃上有个缺口,是石头打的。The bridge rests on stone arches.这座桥靠石拱支撑。




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