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词汇 斗志
例句 The coach's talk greatly keyed the players up.教练的讲话大大鼓舞了队员们的斗志Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。The troops were completely demoralized.部队斗志全无。There was no fight left in him. He was a beaten man.斗志全无,成了一个颓废的男人。The team now seems bereft of inspiration.这支球队现在好像毫无斗志He wilted under the pressure.他在压力之下失去了斗志She met adversity with a fighting spirit.她以旺盛的斗志应付逆境。Brighton have too many experienced players to crumble just because we are in town.布赖顿队有很多经验丰富的队员,他们不会因为我们在城里就丧失斗志After her husband died there was very little fight left in her.丈夫死后,她就没有多少斗志了。In the second half the team showed their true fighting spirit.下半场,该队显示出了真正的斗志She never once thought of giving up. Everyone admired her fighting spirit.她从未想到放弃。大家都很钦佩她的斗志Don't take no for an answer - where's your fighting spirit?不达目的不罢休——你的斗志哪儿去了?Great teamwork and old fashioned grit got the team a last minute point.凭借着密切的配合和英勇顽强的斗志,该队在最后一刻得了一分。What this country needs is dynamic and inspiring leadership!这个国家需要的是有冲劲、能激励斗志的领导班子!His sense of aimlessness increased.他越来越感到自己毫无斗志Morale was low and several backbench revolts had occurred.斗志低落,还有数名后座议员倒戈。The team has been playing with renewed passion this season.这个赛季该队在比赛中重新燃起了斗志The battle roared; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier.战场上吼声震天,意在唤起士兵们最昂扬的斗志DiFranco charmed the audience with her feisty spirit.迪芙兰蔻以其顽强的斗志迷倒了观众。They remained game to the end.他们直到最后还保持着斗志Most of the fight had been knocked out of her.她的斗志已经被消磨将尽。Ron's main strength is his ability to motivate players.罗恩的主要长处是他具有激发队员们斗志的能力。You do my morale a power of good.你极大地激发了我的斗志By half-time, the team was wilting under the pressure.比赛进行到一半,该队就在压力之下失去了斗志He was plagued by ineptitude, cowardice and lack of drive.他的愚笨、懦弱和毫无斗志让自己颇为苦恼。Everyone was much happier and morale was high again.大家高兴多了,斗志再次昂扬起来。England had the better of the game, but they lacked the fighting spirit that would have secured them victory.英格兰队在比赛中占据优势,但他们缺少确保他们取得胜利的斗志




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