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词汇 斗争
例句 Her struggles with the bottle affected her entire family.她与酒精的斗争影响了她的整个家庭。What makes them go over to a party they once fought against?是什么使他们加入了他们曾与之斗争的党派?Microbiologists continue to make progress in the fight against cancer.微生物学家们在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。They have fought courageously for their rights.他们为捍卫自己的权利而进行了勇敢的斗争The tussle to free the individual from the nanny state is still far from won.将个人从保姆式国家的束缚中解脱出来的斗争还远未成功。It was a struggle, but truth won out in the end.这是一场艰苦的斗争,但真理最终获胜。Our people fought hard to gain independence.我们的人民为获得独立进行了艰苦的斗争Life at home was something of a battlefield.家庭生活在某种意义上是一种斗争His condition has made life a constant struggle.他的健康状况使他的人生变成了一场永不停息的斗争Animals face a real struggle to survive in these harsh conditions.在如此艰苦的环境下求生存,动物面临着一场艰难的斗争Something approaching intergenerational warfare could break out.有可能爆发某种类似非同代人之间斗争的冲突。Politicians of every hue want to stop the fighting.形形色色的政治人物都想终止这场斗争They have been playing him off against his old enemies. 他们一直在挑拨他和他的宿敌们斗争Her father Michael is battling cancer.她的父亲迈克尔正在和癌症斗争Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.工会领袖们即将赢得争取工作场所权利斗争的胜利。Now he is facing his toughest fight yet-back to fitness after a series of injuries.现在他还要面临最困难的斗争 - 在接连几次受伤之后恢复健康。The war against drug peddling is all about cash.禁毒斗争归根到底是钱的问题。It is a struggle for a transference of power.那是为权力移交进行的斗争The fighting between the different groups has become a self-perpetuating spiral of death and hatred.不同社会群体之间的斗争导致了死亡与憎恨的永无止境的恶性循环。The villagers fought hard to save their green.村民们为保护他们的公共绿地努力斗争Throughout the play, Macbeth struggles with the powers of darkness.在整出戏中,麦克白都在与黑暗势力斗争The young men are determined to fight it out.这些年轻人决心斗争到底。We all have a part to play in fighting the battle against crime.在抵制犯罪的斗争中我们人人有责。The ANC never dropped its commitment to the fight against racism.非洲人国民大会决不放弃与种族主义斗争的承诺。Public cooperation is vital in the fight against terrorism.公众的合作在打击恐怖主义的斗争中至关重要。The government now faces a new battle over tax increases.政府在增税问题上正面临一场新的斗争Life for migrant workers is a constant struggle to survive.对移民工人来说,生活就是一场不断求生存的斗争Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。He battled with cancer for many months.他与癌症斗争了好多个月。She's battled alcoholism most of her life, but she's in recovery now.她大半生都在与酗酒问题做斗争,但现在已经戒酒了。The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out.搞这场斗争是要废除这种野蛮习俗。We spent our youth rebelling against the system.我们把青春用在了跟体制做斗争上。It's an uphill battle but I think we're going to win.虽然这是一场艰苦的斗争,但我相信我们会取得胜利。The struggle will not cease till the country achieves independence.要到国家获得独立,斗争才会止息。They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.他们不得不同一切困境做斗争They're battling the government to win compensation.他们为了赢得补偿与政府斗争The struggle to end slavery united rich and poor.争取废止奴隶制的斗争使富人和穷人联合起来。Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?我们要输掉这场打击毒品的斗争吗?He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old company.他仍在同他原来的公司进行激烈的斗争The old man has been struggling with illness.这位老人一直在与病魔斗争




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