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词汇 stocks
例句 The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.旅馆的礼品店里有上好的印第安手工艺品和各种叫不出名堂的玩意儿。Dealers across the country continue to complain about huge stocks of unsold cars.全国各地的经销商持续抱怨汽车大量库存卖不出去。Technology stocks fell sharply today.科技股今天股价大跌。Producers try to unload big unsold stocks.生产商试图抛售大量未卖出的存货。Our store stocks only the finest goods.我们店只库存最精致的货物。Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically.北大西洋中鳕鱼的总量已大幅下降。David thought those stocks were sure to rise, but it looks as if he's backed the wrong horse.戴维以为那些股票肯定会涨,现在看来他是看走了眼。She put her money in stocks and bonds.她投资了股票和债券。The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, by contrast, are performing well again.技术行业表现很差。对比之下,传统经济股则再次表现良好。She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers burned when the market collapsed.她在股市上大量投资,结果股市崩溃损失惨重。The morning's gains in US stocks fell sharply.美国股价今早上升后急速下跌。Our supermarket stocks apples in several different varieties.我们超市有几个不同品种的苹果。The market's enthusiasm for high-tech stocks was irrational but understandable.市场对高科技股的热情虽然不理性,却是可以理解的。More vaccines are needed to replenish our stocks.还需要更多的疫苗来补充我们的储备。The offer is only available while stocks last.特价优惠售完为止。To save brokerage fee, he decided to manage his own stocks.为了节约佣金,他决定自己管理自己的股票。The money is principally invested in stocks and shares.这笔钱主要投资于股票上。With stocks going up, investors can breathe easily.股票上涨,投资者可以放心了。He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.他将大笔的钱拿去做股票投机。The money was tied up in stocks.钱被投在股市里了。The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.旅馆的礼品店里备有上好的印度手工艺品和其他一些特色礼品。His speculations in unsound stocks made him bankrupt.他在不可靠的股票上做投机买卖弄得自己破了产。He took the proceeds from the sale of his business and invested in stocks.他将出售自己公司所获的收益投资于股票。When the going gets tough, be prepared to sell your stocks.情形不妙的话,你得作好抛售股票的准备。These stocks have a proven track record.这些股票有可靠的业绩记录。She has invested most of her money in stocks and bonds.她把大部分钱都投资在股票和债券上了。Most of his wealth is in the form of stocks. 他的财产大部分都是股票形式。He made a living buying and selling stocks and shares.他靠买卖股票为生。The country watched as stocks fell sharply.股票猛跌引起了举国关注。She cashed in her stocks.她把她的股票兑成了现金。She mostly trades in stocks.她主要从事股票买卖。The company's stocks took a pounding.公司股票遭到重创。Computers give them up-to-the-minute information on sales and stocks.计算机为他们提供最新的销量和股票方面的信息。We're building up our stocks of books and toys to get ready for the Christmas rush.我们正在增加书籍和玩具的存货,为圣诞购物潮作好准备。On Wall Street, stocks closed at their second highest level today.华尔街股市以今天的第二高点收盘。These stocks will earn money; it's a sure thing.那些股票稳赚的。Thousands of tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks.需要成千上万吨谷类补充库存。Buy now while stocks last!欲购从速,余货售完即止!I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.据我所知,这些股票几乎一钱不值了。The company tried to reassure shareholders about the safety of their stocks.该公司试图让股东放心,相信他们的股票是安全的。




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