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词汇 stifled
例句 He stifled the urge to scream.他抑制住想大叫的冲动。I stifled a yawn as she launched into a monologue about how she is going to become a famous star.她开始大谈她如何准备成为明星时,我赶紧忍住了哈欠。The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.官僚主义的惰性扼杀了这个组织。Regulations on children stifled creativity.给孩子们定的各种规矩扼杀了他们的创造力。An authoritarian leadership stifled internal debate.专制的领导班子压制了内部的争论。She stifled a yawn as the boss read out the sales figures.她忍住呵欠,听老板宣读销售额。The military junta has stifled political dissent.军政府压制了政治异见。Nan stifled a hiccup.娜恩把嗝忍了下去。He continued his story through stifled sobs.他哽咽着继续讲他的故事。Rosanna stifled a huge yawn.罗莎娜想打个大哈欠,但强忍住了。She was stifled with the smoke in the room.屋子里的烟使她透不过气来。The flowers that wreathed his parlor stifled him with their sensuous perfume.包围著客厅的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。He was almost stifled by the fumes.他差点被烟熏得窒息了。She stifled a yawn.她想打呵欠,但忍住了。Maria looked away and stifled a giggle.玛丽亚转过头去,憋住没笑出来。She stifled a small cry.她忍住没叫出一声。Businesses are being stifled by a lot of new laws.许多公司正在受到很多新法规的束缚。We almost stifled in the heat of the city.城里热得快让我们透不过气来了。She stifled a cough/yawn/scream/sneeze.她忍住没有咳嗽/打哈欠/尖叫/打喷嚏。He stifled his temptation to take hold of Ivy and shake her.他克制住想要抓住艾薇摇晃她的冲动。The exceptionally rude attendant at the gift shop stifled a chuckle when I asked her which selection was the cheapest.当我问哪类商品最便宜的时候,那个十分无礼的礼品店服务员偷偷笑了一下。I stifled a giggle.我忍住没有咯咯笑出来。The air stifled and suffocated us.这里的空气使我们呼吸困难,透不过气来。Fear leapt in her breast, and she stifled a gasp.她突然害怕起来,差点倒抽一口冷气。Students at the school are stifled by the pressure to score high on tests.在校学生被考高分的压力压制着。He drank and stifled a belch.他喝了一点东西,止住了打嗝。The heavy smoke stifled the firemen.浓烟使消防队员窒息。Shortages of basic materials stifled economic growth.基本原料的匮乏抑制了经济发展。He is said to have stifled his victim with a pillow.据说他用枕头闷死了受害人。He was almost stifled by the smoke.他差点被烟呛死。




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