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词汇 stiffened
例句 The damp has stiffened her joints.湿气让她的关节都僵硬了。His sinews stiffened themselves in tense readiness.在紧张的准备状态下他的肌肉绷得紧紧的。The dogs stiffened in alarm.这些狗惊恐得发僵。They peeled cold stiffened gloves from their hands.他们将冻得硬邦邦的手套从手上脱下来。The stiffened fabric will not fray.这种浆硬的织物不易磨损。He touched her, and she stiffened.他碰了她一下,她身体绷得紧紧的。When I mentioned her name, his wide smile stiffened into a rictus. 当我提起她的名字时,他的微笑变得僵硬起来,成了龇牙咧嘴。Resistance stiffened even further last week.上星期抵抗进一步加强了。Winning the election only stiffened the Liberals' determination.赢得选举更是坚定了自由党的决心。This attitude had stiffened as the Reformation had taken hold.随着宗教改革的兴起这种态度变得更为坚定起来。Sitting on the rock had stiffened her muscles.在岩石上久坐使她的肌肉变得僵硬起来。She stiffened when her former husband walked into the room.她的前夫走进房间时,她变得拘谨起来。She had stiffened into a pronounced spinsterhood.她古板得成为一个十足的老处女了。Her shoulders stiffened slightly.她的肩膀变得有点僵硬了。These events have stiffened our resolve to succeed.这些事件增强了我们争取成功的决心。She stiffened as the footsteps came closer and closer.越来越近的脚步声使她全身绷紧。His back stiffened as he saw the photographers waiting.看到摄影师等着,他挺直了身板。Ada stiffened at the sound of his voice.埃达听到他的声音吓得人都僵住了。His knee has stiffened up overnight.他的膝盖在一夜之间变得僵硬起来。My muscles stiffened up the next day.第二天我的肌肉僵痛。The father's face stiffened with dismay.父亲因为悲痛而面部表情凝重。The EC stiffened its data protection laws last year.去年,欧盟制定了更为严格的数据保护法。I just stiffened up.我浑身都僵直了。A hot shower and change of clothes stiffened her resolve.洗了个热水澡,换了身衣服,这使她更坚定了决心。He stiffened his resolve.他坚定了他的决心。He stiffened with alarm from head to foot.他吓得从头到脚直僵僵的。Penalties for selling illegal drugs have been stiffened.对贩卖毒品的处罚加重了。His resolve has stiffened.他的决心更加坚定了。This special paper was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened with a kind of paste.这种特殊的纸实际是一种糨糊浆过的又薄又软的杉原纸。Russian resistance suddenly stiffened because there was no room for retreat.俄罗斯的反抗突然变得强硬起来,因为已经没有退路了。Their protests stiffened the spines of party activists.他们的抗议坚定了该党积极分子的信念。She stiffened when he grabbed her shoulder.他抓着她的肩膀时,她全身发僵。A police sergeant stiffened to attention.一名警官一挺身子立正。Canada has recently stiffened its immigration rules.加拿大最近制定了更为严格的移民规定。




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