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词汇 not in the least
例句 He's not in the least interested in girls.他对女孩丝毫不感兴趣。They are not in the least sentimental in their habit of thought.在思想方式上他们一点也不感情用事。We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.我们以前完全不担心吃糖果有可能会蛀牙。I'm not in the least bit touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty.我对玛丽莲·梦露那种美一点儿都不动心。That joke was not in the least funny.那个玩笑一点不好笑。You're not in the least sorry, are you?你一点也不难过,是吧?The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble.那店员一点也不怕麻烦。I'm not in the least afraid.我一点也不害怕。I'm not in the least bothered about the price.我一点儿也不担心价格。I'm not in the least afraid of you any more.我现在一点都不怕你了。




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