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词汇 stiff
例句 Her tone was a little stiff, I thought.我想他的语气有点生硬。The athlete was given a stiff punishment for using drugs.这名运动员因服用违禁药物受到了严厉的惩罚。The yacht was exceptionally stiff.这艘游艇格外平稳。His arm was so stiff he couldn't bend it at all.他的手臂很僵硬,一点都不能弯。Sara's worried stiff about her Gran.莎拉十分担心她的祖母。There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.公司污染超标将会受到严厉的处罚。The acting was stiff and we couldn't wait for the play to end.演技太差劲了,我们等不及戏散场就走了。The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination.这部电影在角逐最佳影片提名时面临着激烈的竞争。Combine the flour with the water to make a stiff paste.用面粉加水和一个硬面团。The furniture was stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat.家具又硬又不舒服,太不结实而且太小巧。When we first met, he was a little stiff and formal.我们第一次见面时,他有点严厉刻板。I felt stiff after a long walk.我走长路后觉得全身发僵。The handle on this door is rather stiff.这扇门的把手相当紧。The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles.特别推荐想要放松情绪、缓解肌肉酸痛的人泡泥浆浴。She suffers from stiff and painful joints.她感到关节僵硬疼痛。Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks.将蛋清搅打至黏滞。My fingers had gone stiff with cold.我的手指已经冻僵了。I suspect you could use a stiff drink.我看你得来杯烈酒。You must have been scared stiff when you saw the car coming straight towards you.你看到汽车一直朝你开来,一定是吓呆了。They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.他们对此项提议发起了坚决的抵制。The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination.这部影片在角逐最佳影片提名时面临激烈的竞争。He is up against stiff opposition from his colleagues.他遭到同事们的坚决反对。We were frozen stiff by the time we got indoors.我们走进房间时已经冻僵了。I am stiff all over from that jolting in the waggon yesterday.由于昨天乘大车时的颠簸,我感到浑身酸疼。Her fingers were stiff with cold.她的手指冻僵了。The collar of his shirt felt stiff and uncomfortable.他的衬衣领子摸上去又硬又不舒服。She's too stiff-necked to ask for help.她极其顽固自负,不愿意请求别人帮助。Magistrates now have the power to impose stiff penalties on the parents of children who fail to turn up for school.地方法官现在有权对失学儿童的父母处以严厉的惩罚。She sat there stiff as a ramrod.她笔直地端坐在那儿。He has a very stiff and formal manner.他的言行举止一板一眼的。The development plans have met with stiff opposition.开发计划遭到了激烈的反对。They have the kind of luxuries the average working stiff can't afford.他们拥有的那些奢侈品是一般工薪阶层买不起的。The gate was stiff.大门不好开。Censorship is not as stiff as before.审查不像以前那样严格了。We're up against some stiff/tough competition from our rivals.我们面临着来自对手的激烈竞争。A silver rosary was entwined through the bishop's stiff fingers.一串银念珠绕在主教僵直的手指上。Sitting still at a computer terminal all day can give you a stiff neck.在电脑前一动不动地坐上一整天会令人颈部发僵。There was a stiff southerly breeze.有较强南风侵袭。The recipe says to beat the cream until it forms soft/stiff peaks.食谱上写着要把奶油打成发泡状态/干性发泡。Beat the egg whites until stiff.把蛋白打到发稠。




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