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词汇 pistol
例句 That guy's a real pistol.那家伙真的精力过人。He held the pistol in his right hand.他右手拿着一把手枪。He carried a semi-automatic pistol in his left hand.他左手拿着一把半自动手枪。I heard a pistol shot.我听到一声枪响。The pistol came to pieces, easily and quickly.手枪很快就被拆得七零八落。The gunman was reported as being armed to the teeth and equipped with both a rifle and a pistol. 据报道,枪手武装充足,有一支枪步枪和一把手枪。When he tried to make a bolt for it, my companion dashed over pointing his pistol at him.他想逃之夭夭时,我的同伴冲了过去,把枪对住他。He was so unnerved that he threw away his pistol.他慌得把手枪都扔了。BAE was accused of holding a pistol to the cabinet's heads with the threatened redundancies and closure.英国航空航天公司被指责以裁员和倒闭为由胁迫内阁。Defy me and I'll pistol your brains out the back of your head.胆敢违抗,我就用手枪打你个脑袋开花。The police found the pistol hidden in the lavatory cistern.警察找到了藏在厕所水箱里的手枪。He grabbed her pistol and fired a warning shot. The intruder ran back out into the hall.他抓起她的手枪就开枪警告,闯进来的人便跑回到大堂里去了。Philippe was in uniform, wearing a pistol holster on his belt.菲利普身着制服,腰带上别着手枪皮套。The robber waved a pistol at the clerk.歹徒举起手枪对准了店员。A curse is on me. My pistol missed fire; my gold gone.我倒霉透了,手枪打不响,金子又丢了。The pistol was positioned where I couldn't help but see it.手枪放在我抬眼就能看见的地方。He drew his pistol, aimed and fired.他拔出手枪,然后瞄准射击。In the quiet of the studio it sounded like a pistol shot.在寂静的画室里,那声音听上去像有人开手枪。They cut notches in the handle of their pistol for each man they shoot.他们每射杀一个人就在手枪柄上刻一个凹痕。Kelly screwed the silencer onto the pistol.凯利把消声器拧到手枪上。The man fired a pistol at a patrol.那名男子向巡逻队开了一枪。He carried a pistol in his belt.他在武装带上佩一把手枪。The two policemen were joined by another policeman also carrying a pistol.另一名持枪警察和那两名警察会合了。The police also found a pistol.警方还发现了一把手枪。The pistol grip was made larger to accommodate his unusually big hand.手枪的枪柄做得较大,以适合他那特大的手。She was squirting the neighbours with a water pistol.她在用玩具水枪朝邻居们喷水。Don't aim that pistol at me!别把枪对着我!He slid a pistol into his pocket.他将一支手枪悄悄地放入口袋。He cocked the pistol/weapon.他扣上手枪/武器的扳机。He was pistol-whipped to the ground by a prison guard.他被监狱看守用手枪连续射击击倒在地。My wife and I were held up at pistol point and robbed.我和妻子曾在枪口威逼下遭抢劫。Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.弗拉维尔不小心扳动了一把手枪的扳机,子弹射入了天花板。A pistol wasn't that hard to hide under a loose shirt.在宽松的衬衣下藏一把手枪并不难。In the ensuing panic, the terrorist drew a pistol.在随后的慌乱中,那个恐怖分子拔出了一把手枪。I half expected the American to pick up the spare machine pistol and mount guard over the operation.我有点盼望那个美国人能拿起闲着的冲锋枪保卫此次行动。He held me at bay with a pistol.他用手枪迫使我不得近身。He threatened to pistol me.他威胁要用手枪向我射击。He blasted his rival with a pistol.他向敌人开枪。Dirk's eyes flickered towards the pistol.德克的眼睛瞟向那把手枪。It sounded like a small pistol going off.那声音听起来像一支小手枪响。




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