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词汇 stew
例句 The bread's texture makes it a natural for eating with stew.这种口感的面包非常适合和炖菜一起吃。Let the stew cook for an hour.把菜炖一个小时。You need to pepper the stew more.你需要给炖菜再加点胡椒粉。Chop two onions for the stew.切两个洋葱来做炖菜。He was dishing out a chicken stew.他端上一盘煨小鸡。The stew was a conglomeration of fish, potatoes, and vegetables.那道炖菜是鱼、土豆和蔬菜做的杂烩。The meat still needs to stew.肉还需要再炖。She served him a bowl of beef stew.她为他端上一碗炖牛肉。Would you like some stew?你要吃点炖菜吗?Make sure you heat that stew through before you eat it.炖菜在吃之前,一定要把它充分加热。Dinner can be a roast, a stew, or a grill.晚餐可以吃烤肉、炖菜或烧烤食物。The rice is accompanied by a soup or a soupy stew.米饭伴以汤羹或炖菜。She's been in a stew for days.她已经心烦意乱好些天了。"Would you like some more stew?" "No thanks, I've had sufficient."“你还想要一些炖肉吗?”“不,谢谢!我已经吃饱了。”She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase.她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。Salt the stew to taste.依照口味在炖汤中加盐。The stew is full of flavor.这道炖菜美味十足。He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it.他舀了一匙炖菜吃了。The stew normally tastes better with a pinch or two of dried herbs.炖煮的菜肴里加一两撮干香草通常味道会更佳。Pete gobbled all the beef stew.皮特狼吞虎咽,把炖牛肉吃了个精光。A pot of stew was suspended over the fire.火上吊着一锅炖菜。An aromatic beef stew waited on the stove.炉子上放着香味四溢的炖牛肉。We've got lamb stew tonight.我们今晚吃炖羊羔肉。Steam rose from the simmering stew.炖着的肉咕嘟咕嘟冒着热气。Pete gobbled all the stew before anyone else sat down.别人还没落座皮特就把炖肉全吃光了。The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.那块肉被均匀切成小块放到炖菜里煮熟。He found a can of beef stew and dumped it in a saucepan to heat.他找到一罐炖牛肉,就把它倒进长柄锅里加热。We had beef stew for lunch.中饭我们吃了炖牛肉。Let him stew in his own juices for a while.让他自作自受吧。He got himself in a stew over nothing.他无缘无故地焦虑起来。I doled out the stew.我把炖菜分发了出去。Have you tried the slop that they call stew in the canteen?你尝了食堂里他们称作炖菜的那个软塌塌的东西了吗?The stew/chili was very thick.炖菜/辣味肉豆太稠了。While the stew may not look very appetizing, it tastes wonderful.虽然这道炖菜品像一般,但味道好极了。Oyster stew is a specialty of the house. 生蚝炖菜是这家餐馆的特色菜。All there was for dinner was yesterday's warmed-over stew.晚饭只有热过的昨天剩下的炖肉。They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew.他们吃玉米炖羊肉一直吃到下午。He's been in a stew since early this morning.他今天一大早就开始惴惴不安。They made a stew.他们做了一道炖菜。I cooked/made a stew for dinner.晚饭我做了道炖菜。




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