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词汇 steps
例句 She walked daintily down the steps.她优雅地走下台阶。The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his.女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。Kenny slowed his steps, abruptly mindful that the champagne shouldn't be shaken.肯尼忽然想到香槟不能摇晃,放慢了脚步。The girls romped down the stone steps.女孩们脚步轻捷地跑下石阶。Angry workers were gathering on the steps of City Hall.愤怒的工人聚集在市政厅的台阶上。The steps are slippery; you'd better hold on to the railing.台阶湿滑,你最好抓紧栏杆。The steps took us up to a cave in the cliff.拾级而上,我们来到了悬崖上的一处洞穴。He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.他坐在台阶上系紧靴子。She is not content with her lot and is taking steps to improve it.她对自己的命运不满,正在想办法改变命运。Archeologists are worried that the ancient steps, walls, and other remnants may be lost forever.考古学家担心古老的台阶、墙壁及其他残迹会永远找不到了。Let's work backwards through all the steps to see where we went wrong.让我们倒推所有的步骤,看看问题出在哪里。The government may take steps to enforce compliance with the new measures.政府可能采取措施促使新规章的实施。The museum is just a few steps from the hotel.博物馆距离宾馆只有几步之遥。They have taken their first tentative steps towards / toward democracy.他们已经向民主迈出了试探性的第一步。The cottage is just steps from the beach.小屋离海滩就几步远。They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible terrorist attack.他们正在为应付一次可能的恐怖袭击作初步的准备。He mounted the steps to receive his award.他上台领奖。She took two quick steps forward and struck him across the mouth.她向前紧走两步,上去扇了他一嘴巴。The government has reaffirmed that it will take any steps necessary to maintain law and order.政府重申将采取一切必要措施维护法律和秩序。She dislocated her knee falling down some steps.她从几级台阶上摔下来,造成膝盖骨错位。She can't walk up all those steps, not with her bad leg!她的腿那么疼,上不了那么多台阶!He came in panting after running up the steps.他跑上台阶后气喘吁吁地走了进来。I hopped down three steps.我单脚跳下了三级台阶。After a few minutes, he turned around and began to retrace his steps.过了几分钟,他转身顺着原路返回。Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.和平只会逐渐到来,而且每一步都走得小心翼翼。即使那样,要实现和平听起来仍几乎不可能。One of the back steps needs repairing.后楼梯有一级需要修理。He retraced his steps to the spot where he'd left the case.他折回到他丢下箱子的地方。She very deliberately slowed her steps.她故意放慢了脚步。The woman took them down some steps leading to the beach.那个妇人带他们走下通向海滩的一些台阶。She followed the steps of the girl beside her.她跟随着身旁的那个女孩。The dancers' dainty steps were followed by a series of leaps.舞蹈演员在优美的舞步之后做了一连串的跳跃动作。The authorities should take steps to cut short such outrages.当局应采取步骤制止这类暴行。He lagged a few steps behind.他落后了几步。His steps faltered.他步履蹒跚。Thomas waited at the top of the flight of steps.托马斯在台阶的上面等着。He successfully negotiated the slippery steps.他顺利地走过了打滑的台阶。He took positive steps to educate himself in the jail against all odds.尽管困难重重,他还是积极地在监狱中自学。The old stone steps had been worn down by years of use.古老的石阶由于多年使用已经磨损了。Jacob proceeded towards / toward the steps.雅各布接着往台阶走去。Many farmers have taken steps to directly market their meat to consumers.许多农民已采取措施把肉直接出售给消费者。




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