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词汇 stay on
例句 He never switched off his TV, which always stayed on.他从来不关电视机,他的电视机始终开着。Many of them elected to stay on.他们中间有许多人决定留下。I try to stay on top of musical trends.我努力坚守在音乐流行潮流的前沿。He stayed on at college for an extra year to do a Master's degree.他在大学里多待了一年攻读硕士学位。Perry stayed on with the Agency as an unpaid adviser.佩里作为不计酬的顾问继续留在事务所里工作。She decided to stay on at school and do her A levels.她决定留在学校里继续学习,参加高级程度考试。Now that she's out of prison she's trying to stay on the right side of the law. 既然她出狱了,她就尽力守法。We'll stay on in the village till the autumn harvest is over.我们将留在村里,秋收后再走。He stayed on the sidelines and let his daughter run the family business her way.他当旁观者,让女儿自主经营家族企业。I have to stay on the antibiotics for a full two weeks.我得继续吃整整两个星期的抗生素。He expects me to stay on here and I can hardly refuse.他希望我继续留在这里,我很难拒绝。You should stay on the train until Manchester and then change.你应该坐火车一直坐到曼彻斯特,然后再换车。You stay on your side of the bed and I'll stay on mine.你睡你的那边,我睡我的这边。Some have decided to risk social ostracism and stay on the wrong side of town.有些人已经决定冒着被社会孤立的风险,待在镇上的贫民区。Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.吉尔决定留在大学继续进行研究工作。If you stay on the motorway, you can't go wrong.如果你一直走高速公路,就绝不会走错。If it hadn't been for the war, Larry would have stayed on the farm.要不是那场战争,拉里就会一直留在农场。You can gain my help, but you couldnt' stay on me.我可以给你些帮助,可你别指望完全依靠我。You can't stay on the sidelines for ever; it's time you got involved.你不能一直袖手旁观,该你插手了。They stayed on his tail for half a mile.他们跟了他半英里。Gary has shown his faith in the club's future by agreeing to stay on.加里同意留下,表明了他对这家具乐部的未来有信心。If I am made chairman, I hope Simon will stay on as my trusted lieutenant.如果我当主席,我希望西蒙作为我信赖的副官,继续留在我的身边。United stayed on top throughout most of the match.联队在比赛的大部分时间里处于领先。Even after leaving his job, he tried to stay on friendly terms with his former boss because he didn't want to burn his bridges.即使离职之后他也尽量和前任老板保持友好关系,因为他不想断了自己的后路。After coming out of prison, he tried to stay on the right side of the law.出狱后,他努力遵规守法。So few teenage Britons stay on at school, compared with the rest of Europe.和欧洲其他国家相比,英国留在学校继续学习的青少年寥寥无几。The board reversed its decision and asked Mr. Evans to stay on.董事会推翻了决定,要求埃文斯先生继续留任。Mr. Clinton refused to speculate on how long he might stay on as envoy.克林顿先生拒绝猜测他可能会留任公使多长时间。He stayed on at the theatre after the performance.演出结束后,他还呆在剧场内。He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as an instructor.他辞去了主席一职,但留下来做指导。He entered University College to study zoology and stayed on to work in genetics.他进大学学院修读动物学,后来就留了下来研究遗传学。Just stay on the ball so it doesn't happen again.你要保持警惕,别再让这种事发生。It's okay, I'll stay on until you're ready to leave.没关系,我再待到你们准备好可以走了。All the cast stayed on the set throughout.所有的演员一直都在拍摄现场。The others went back to the hotel, but I stayed on in the bar, chatting to Alan.其他人都回宾馆了,但我留在酒吧里陪艾伦聊天。She thought about retiring, but she finally decided to stay on for a few more years.她想过要退休,但最终决定再干几年。After she graduated, she stayed on at the college, working in the alumnae office.她毕业后留在大学工作,在校友办公室上班。The board reversed its decision and asked Mr. Evans to stay on.委员会改变了决定,请求埃文斯先生留下。He's lucky if he can stay on for two weeks.他要是能再留两星期就可算万幸了。Martinez, when she served, usually stayed on the baseline.马丁内兹发球的时候通常站在底线处。




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