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词汇 National
例句 The National Television Awards is your typical glitzy event.全国电视大奖赛是一场典型的浮华盛事。We saw Hamlet at the National Theatre last week.我们上周在国家剧院看了《哈姆雷特》。We rehearsed our National Day programme all afternoon.我们整个下午都在排演国庆节的节目。Beveridge is usually thought of as the architect of the British National Health Service.贝弗里奇通常被认为是英国国民保健制度的创始人。Have you been to American Grand Canyon National Park?你到过美国大峡谷国家公园吗? When he diverged from the policies of the National Government, it was increasingly over social issues.当他与国民政府的政策背道而驰,其背离日益表现在社会问题方面。Fiona and Alastair have become patrons of the National Missing Person's Helpline.菲奥娜和阿拉斯泰尔已经成为国家失踪人口服务热线的代言人。The government announced that the National Democratic Party had been outlawed.政府宣布国家民主党已被取缔。The National Blood Service is anxious for more donors to come forward.国家血液中心急切盼望更多的志愿者来献血。Farming interests now dominate many of the National Park committees.农场经营利益集团现在支配着许多国家公园委员会。The National Parks are attracting more visitors than ever.国家公园正吸引着比以往更多的游客。The Cincinnati Reds have levelled the score in the National League play-off against the Pittsburgh Pirates.在国家联盟季后赛中,辛辛那提红人队扳平了与匹兹堡海盗队的比分。He wanted to work within the National Health Service.他想在国民医疗保健系统工作。The president gets regular updates from the National Security Council.总统定期从国家安全委员会获得最新信息。The African National Congress insists on a one-man, one-vote system.非洲国民大会坚持实行一人一票的制度。Although the government has made some shares in National Oil Products available, it intends to maintain its controlling interest.虽然政府准备出售国家石油产品公司的部分股份,但它还是打算保持其控股权。South Korea voted for its National Assembly this week.南朝鲜(韩国)本周进行了国民议会的选举。The National Election Council is supposed to certify the results of the election.全国选举委员会应对选举结果出具证明。The president announced the dissolution of the National Assembly.总统宣布解散国民议会。Japan National Railways was split up in preparation for sale to private investors.日本国立铁路公司已被拆分,准备售与私人投资者。National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.国家安全常被用作对一些事情保密的挡箭牌。At that time, a secret branch of the National Police was involved in rooting out dissidents.那个时候,国民警察的一个秘密分支参与了铲除持不同政见者的行动。Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round.威廉森赢了最新一轮比赛,由此巩固了他在全国联赛里的领先地位。National Geographic ran a feature story on dinosaurs.《国家地理》杂志刊登了一篇关于恐龙的专题报道。The painting is now on display at the National Gallery.这幅画目前正在国家美术馆展出。The National Gallery has been kind enough to loan this painting to our museum.国家美术馆很友好,把这幅画借给了我们博物馆。During his short but dazzling career he broke almost every scoring record in the National League.在他短暂而辉煌的运动生涯中,他几乎打破了全国棒球联盟的全部得分纪录。National Guard troops were called in to disperse the crowd.国民警卫队被召来驱散人群。Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.工会指责政府企图破坏国民保健制度。The ruling National Democratic Party dominates parliament.执政的国家民主党在议会占主导地位。The sculpture was first exhibited at the Canadian National Exhibition.这尊雕塑第一次是在加拿大国家展览上展出的。Illustrations by courtesy of the National Gallery.图片由国家美术馆提供。The book is on the short list for the National Book Award.这本书入围了国家图书奖。It’s almost disappointing when the National Theatre turns out something that isn’t a complete turkey.国家剧院演出的并不是彻底的失败之作,倒令人有些失望了。The National Theatre is presenting "King Lear' later this month.国家剧院本月晚些时候将上演《李尔王》。Today his picture goes on show at the National Portrait Gallery.今天他的画作在国家肖像美术馆展出。The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm watch.国家气象局发布了冬季暴风雪预警。I had a little flutter on the Grand National and won £5.我在全国越野障碍赛马上下了一笔小赌注,赢了五英镑。After we won the National Championship, the mood pervading through our team has been ebullient.在得到总冠军之后,整个球队的气氛都是热情洋溢的。Both the far-left Communists and the far-right National Alliance are calling for new elections.极左的共产党人和极右的国民联盟都在呼吁进行新的选举。




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