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词汇 static
例句 His promotion has caused a lot of static.他的晋升引起很多人不满。A crackle of radio static came back through the earpiece.耳机里又传来收音机发出的静电噪声。Scientists have used radiation to neutralize static electricity.科学家已采用辐射来消除静电。There's so much static on this radio I can't hear what they're saying.收音机的静电干扰太大,我听不清他们在说什么。Even with static population, consumption rose steeply.即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。Aristotle's static world view was not challenged until the sixteenth century.亚里士多德的静态世界观在十六世纪以前一直没有受到怀疑。The computer program can turn static images into movies.计算机程序可以将静止的图像转换成电影。Both your pictures are of static subjects.你的两张照片拍的都是静止物体。In dry weather, static electricity can cause clothes to cling.天气干燥时,静电会使衣服黏附。The jewels are normally kept on static display in the museum.博物馆里珠宝通常是在固定位置展出的。Use a fabric softener to prevent static cling. 用织物软化剂防静电黏附。Figures for housebreaking had dropped or remained static.破门入室的数字已下降或保持不变。The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen.提起诉讼的数量持平,有罪判决率下降。The static locomotive can be examined and footplate visits are permitted.可以察看静态机车并允许参观驾驶室。They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.他们被迫听白噪声,例如在调电台时可能听到的那种静电噪声。I switched on the radio and got nothing but static.我打开无线电,但除了静电干扰,什么也听不到。Built-up static contributes to sick building syndrome.高楼林立中的静电干扰是引发大楼病综合征的原因之一。Perfect fifths sound relatively static.纯正的五度和音听起来相当恬静。Language is not static, it is mutable.语言不是静止,是会变化的。The economy is fairly static at the moment.目前经济比较稳定。He was getting a lot of static about his decision.他的决定给他招来了很多指责。The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased.获得资格的年轻人数量一直保持不变或有所下降。Economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.经济学家预测,房价将长期保持稳定。Will your dad give you any static on using the car?你用汽车你父亲会找你麻烦吗?There was so much static on the radio we couldn't hear the broadcast.收音机中的杂音太多,我们都听不到广播了。For some months the share price remained fairly static.有那么几个月,股票价格一直非常地稳定。The population remained more or less static.人口基本上保持稳定。Social development is seen as a changing process and not as something static.社会发展被看作是个变化的过程而不是静止的东西。Culture is not static.文化不是静止不变的。




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