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例句 The team had trained well, but at crunch time they just couldn't perform.赛前球队训练得很好,但在关键时刻他们却没能发挥出来His genius as a painter flowered very early.他的绘画天才很早就发挥出来了。His musical talent remained latent through a lack of training.他的音乐才能由于缺乏训练而未能发挥出来Potentialities remain repressed for lack of issue.潜能由于缺乏冲力而未能发挥出来He has a brilliant mind imprisoned in an unhealthy body.他由于身体不好,才华无法发挥出来Turkey is a market that has never quite fulfilled its potential.土耳其是一个潜力还没有完全发挥出来的市场。He hasn't yet realized his full potential as a writer.他作为作家的潜力还没有完全发挥出来Our economy is performing far under capacity.我们的经济能力远远没有发挥出来There were a couple of good performances, but most of the players didn't really do themselves justice.有几场打得很精彩,但大多数球员并没有完全发挥出来He isn't really realizing his potential.他并未能把自己的潜能真正发挥出来A man like you could have a great future here, but you've got to prove yourself.像你这样的人在这里很有前途,但是你得发挥出来




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