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词汇 stately
例句 The procession moved at a slow and stately speed.队伍缓慢而庄严地向前移动著。We watched the ship's stately progress out of the docks.我们注视着轮船缓慢而庄严地驶出了港口。The building rose before him, tall and stately.那座高大宏伟的建筑耸立在他面前。The dining room in the castle was grand and stately.城堡里的餐厅辉煌而庄严。Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。The wedding was at some stately pile in the country.婚礼在乡下某座恢宏气派的建筑里举行。Priceless antique furniture was destroyed in the fire at the stately home.那座富丽堂皇的宅子里价值连城的古董家具在大火中付之一炬了。The stately ship cast her anchor.那艘雄伟的巨轮下锚了。Tall and stately, he cut a fine figure as a senator.他个儿高高,气宇轩昂,作为参议员形象很不错。We became suspended in some stately never-never land of pleasure, luxury and idleness.我们流连忘返大气、奢华、惬意、闲适的世外桃源。The streets were canopied by stately trees.街道被高大的树木遮掩着。




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