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词汇 firms
例句 Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies.两家很有名的律师事务所准备向烟草公司提起诉讼。Most brokerage firms require customers to arbitrate disputes rather than file lawsuits.大多数经纪行都要求客户通过仲裁而非法律起诉来解决争端。Many firms are waiting for conditions to improve before they welcome any new employee aboard.许多公司都在等待条件改善,然后才能欢迎新雇员加入。Visitors should use reputable travel firms with knowledgeable guides, and avoid camping alone.游客应该选择聘有知识丰富的导游的而且信誉良好的旅行社,并要避免单独露营。Large firms lure customers away with slick advertising.大公司以花言巧语的广告拉走顾客。She heads one of Britain's leading travel firms.她主管英国的主要旅行社之一。If two video rental firms merge, that is horizontal integration.两个录像带租借商号合并为一家,称作横向合并。Many firms are going over to new technologies.许多公司开始采用新科技。Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作。Many firms understand that giving work experience to students from colleges and schools will benefit everyone in the long term.很多公司都明白,为大学生和中学生提供实习机会从长远来看会使大家都受益。The Internet has proved a blind alley for many firms.事实证明,因特网对许多公司而言是一条行不通的路。Tax incentives would be used to attract firms to the regions, away from the South-East.将采取税收优惠政策把公司吸引到东南部以外的各地区。Property firms have taken a beating on the stock market.房地产公司在股市中遭受了损失。Over 300 small firms have gone to the wall in the past year.过去一年里有三百多家小公司倒闭。Over 300 local firms participated in the survey.有三百多家本地公司参加了此次调查。Rivalry among business firms grew more intense.公司间的竞争趋于激烈。Some foreign firms are dipping their hands in the development of fishing in this area.一些外国公司正在插手开发这一地区的渔业。The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls.这些公司想一起开在同一栋大楼里,或者彼此紧挨着开在大型购物中心里。The two firms are in keen competition.这两家公司竞争激烈。Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关。As the domestic market becomes saturated, firms begin to export the product.由于国内市场饱和,各公司开始外销。In future, six-monthly accounts will be required from those firms that are in breach of the rules.今后将要求那些违反规定的公司每六个月报一次账目。The two firms settled their disagreement out of court.这两家商行庭外解决了争端。You can hire these from most car hire firms, provided you have a clean driving licence.假如你的驾照无违章记录,你就可以从大部分租车公司租到这些车。They are hoping to attract funding from venture-capital firms.他们希望能吸引来自风险资本公司的资金。Wall Street firms are required to dab every employee from messenger boy to president.华尔街上的公司被要求留下从信差到总裁所有雇员的指纹印。The fact that he was supported by big firms was his strongest/best card during the negotiations.拥有大公司支持这一事实是他谈判时的王牌。Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms.美蓓亚集团最后将其在两家公司的控股权都出售了。Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。Only a handful of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees.只有少数几家公司向所有员工提供股票期权方案。Law firms vie with each other to hire the best students.律师事务所互相争聘最优秀的学生。The big banks have been accused of exploiting small firms.大型银行被指责剥削小企业。Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale.汽车厂商拼命想要实现规模经济。The managers could only bemoan their firms' low productivity.经理们对他们公司生产率之低只能表示惋惜。Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.如今各种巧妙的金融手段使得各公司防范风险成为可能。TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo.后来各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。This challenge is to help firms position themselves to win competitive advantage.这个挑战将帮助公司为赢得竞争优势做好准备。There is likely to be further contraction of the sector as more firms go bankrupt.随着更多公司破产,网络行业很可能进一步收缩。Many firms are decentralizing their operations.许多公司在分散经营。This will help small firms compete on a more even footing with multi-national companies.这将有助于小企业与跨国公司进行更加公平的竞争。




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