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词汇 starter
例句 I pressed the starter and the engine caught first time.我按下启动按钮,发动机一下就启动了。Stuffed peppers make a good starter for a dinner party.填馅青椒作为宴会的第一道菜很好。Join our stamp club and receive our free starter pack!来参加我们的集邮俱乐部吧,可以获得我们免费的启动包!I've always been a slow starter in the mornings.早上我总是起得比较晚。He was a late starter in school. 他比其他孩子晚开始上学。She started the engine with one tug of the starter rope.她拉了一下启动绳启动了引擎。In its present form the scheme is a non-starter.从目前的状况来看,这一方案行不通。The question was a good conversation starter.这个问题是个好的谈话引子。The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding.这项提案从一开始就不切实际,因为不可能获得资金支持。This dish can be served as a starter or a main course.这个菜可以作开胃菜,也可以当主菜。Serve noodles tossed in butter as a starter.第一道菜是黄油拌面。Are you having a starter?你想要开胃菜吗?The car's starter needs to be replaced.汽车的启动机该换了。She bought a starter piano for her daughter.她为女儿买了一架适合初学者用的钢琴。The successful applicant for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent communication skills.能获得这个职位的应聘者必须具有出色的沟通技巧,工作积极主动。The starter motor was playing up again.启动马达又出故障了。The United States is certain to reject the proposal as a non-starter.美国肯定会以无成功希望为由拒绝这项提案。The project would have been a non-starter without the help of Judith Glyn.如果没有朱迪思·格林的帮助,此计划就绝无成功的希望。As a business proposition, it is a total non-starter.作为商业提议,这完全是行不通的。What would you like for a starter - soup or garlic mushrooms?第一道菜你想要什么—汤还是蒜头蘑菇?We bought some goldfish and an aquarium starter kit. 我们买了些金鱼和一套鱼缸组件。I think I'd like the soup for my starter.我想要一份汤做头盘。This small house would make a great starter home/house for a young couple.这栋小房子将是年轻夫妇开始新生活的上佳选择。A car's starter is basically an electric motor.汽车的启动装置基本上是个电动机。After six months of work, we eventually wrote the project off as a non-starter.干了六个月以后,我们最终认为该项目无望成功。The starter was absolutely wonderful: crumbling pastry, tender bits of chicken liver.这道开胃菜绝对好吃:油酥面皮配嫩鸡肝片。I've chosen a hot starter.我选了一道热开胃菜。He bought a starter kit for building a model airplane.他买了制造飞机模型的入门工具包。The pupils' own experiences can be a useful starter for discussion.讨论可以从小学生们自身的经历开始。He has ridden horses all his life, but he was a late starter in the racing game.他骑了一辈子的马,但在赛马方面却起步很晚。I had to get a new starter fitted on my car.我需要给我的汽车换一个新的马达。As a starter, we had delicious juicy tomatoes stuffed with rice.我们第一道菜吃了一个美味多汁的番茄酿饭。It looks like the starter motor on the car has burned out.看起来像是汽车发动机的启动装置被烧坏了。The job requires a highly motivated self-starter.这个岗位需要一名积极性很高并能主动工作的人。We had soup/pâté/pasta as a starter.我们的头盘是汤/肉酱/意大利面。This machine has a push-button starter.这台机器有一个按钮启动器。Everybody would prefer a lower rate of tax, but that that is a non-starter economically.人人都喜欢低税率,但从经济的角度来说这是办不到的。




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