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A few clever students have started a business recycling old computers.一些头脑聪明的学生已经做起了回收旧电脑的生意。He's started a business doing gardening and roofing work.他开办了一家从事园艺和盖屋顶业务的公司。Now is probably as good a time as any to start a business.目前可能正是创业的最佳时机。Here is a list of do's and don'ts for anyone planning to start a business.这是给打算创办企业的人的一份注意事项表。He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。Now is a propitious time to start a business.现在正是开业的吉时。You have to be a bit of an optimist to start a business.要想开创一番事业,你必须得具备一点乐观精神。 |