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词汇 销毁
例句 The superintendent gave his secretary some letters to shred.主管把一些信件递给他的秘书,让她用碎纸机把它们销毁They destroyed the evidence by flushing it down the toilet.他们把物证扔到马桶里冲走,从而销毁了它。The elimination of all nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place.销毁所有的核武器将会使世界变得更安全。All countries in the region should commit themselves to doing away with weapons of mass destruction.这个地区内所有的国家都应该作出承诺,销毁大规模杀伤性武器。Find and destroy, repeat destroy, these units.找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。Most of them are destroyed because they've served their purpose.它们中大多数在完成使命后被销毁They appealed for the destruction of all nuclear stockpiles.他们呼吁销毁一切核武器储存。She was accused of destroying official documents.她被控销毁官方文件。The act will give the government new rights to impound untaxed cars and crush them.这条法案将赋予政府新的权力,扣押未完税的汽车并将它们销毁The government has said it has no need for chemical weapons and will destroy its stocks entirely.该国政府说,它不需要化学武器,将要销毁其全部储备。He ordered his secretary to shred important documents when government inspectors started investigating his business affairs.政府调查员开始调查他公司的业务时,他命令秘书将重要文件粉碎销毁The company chewed up some of the documents from its files.公司从档案中销毁了某些文件。If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works, the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed.如果重要作品遭窃一事被大肆报道,这些作品就会因为难以转手而被销毁He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents.他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁They tried to erase all evidence of his existence.他们企图销毁他仍活着的所有证据。Medical records should not be destroyed.病历不应销毁The treaty requires them to get rid of their most potent weapons.条约要求他们销毁威力最强大的武器。Hundreds of nuclear weapons have been scrapped.数百件核武器已被销毁If you took the anti-war arguments to their logical conclusion, you would destroy all weapons.如果从这些反战的论点按照逻辑得出结论,你会把所有武器都销毁了。He disposed of the murder weapon.销毁了杀人凶器。This is an incinerator for the disposal of hospital waste, such as used syringes.这是焚化炉,用来销毁医院里的废弃物,如用过的注射器等。She was prudent enough to destroy the letter.她十分明智地把信销毁了。The President has called for the elimination of all WMDs in the region.总统呼吁销毁这个地区所有的大规模杀伤性武器。I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.俄罗斯和其他加盟共和国承诺销毁他们储存的大部分核武器。Nicholas had indirectly suggested that Mollie might be the person who had disposed of the will.尼古拉斯拐弯抹角地暗示莫莉也许是那个销毁遗嘱的人。The company is accused of pulping documents crucial to the enquiry.该公司被指控销毁了对调查至关重要的文件。All the files were deliberately destroyed.所有的卷宗统统被故意销毁了。A city magistrate ruled that the novel was obscene and copies should be destroyed.一位市执法官裁定该小说为色情作品,应当全数销毁Every in-letter was destroyed as soon as it was answered.每封来函作复后即予销毁All his unpublished writing should be destroyed unread.他所有未发表的作品必须在被人看到之前销毁The lethal chemical agents were slated for destruction under the army's supervision, either through incineration or chemical neutralization.这些致命的化学药剂预定在军方的监督下通过焚烧或化学中和销毁The food which had been contaminated was destroyed.受污染的食物已被销毁了。Unattended luggage will be removed and may be destroyed.无人看管行李将被移走,而且可能被销毁The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.远期目标必须是将核武器尽数销毁Prosecutors say they destroyed evidence related to the case.公诉人说他们销毁了与本案有关的证据。He was trying to destroy documents that testified to his guilt.他在试图销毁证实他有罪的文件。Someone had removed all the evidence. Thus, it was now impossible for the police to continue their investigation.有人已销毁了所有证据,因此,现在警方不可能继续调查了。The court stated that the presence of animus revocandi in the destruction of the will had, nevertheless, been sufficiently proven.法庭陈述说,尽管如此,销毁遗嘱所表明的撤销意图仍是有充足证据证明的。




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