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词汇 stage
例句 A small group had gathered outside the stage door.剧场后门聚集了一小群人。By this manoeuvre, he hopes to gain an advantage at a later stage.他希望通过这一策略为自己在后一阶段赢得优势。My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage.我等着轮到自己上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。Geneva has been the stage for many such conferences.日内瓦已成为众多此类会议的举办地点。This process is often used by stage magicians.舞台魔术师经常用这种程序。The slamming of a door was the actor's cue to run on stage.门砰然关上就是这个演员快步上台的提示。She glided across the stage of London's Lyric Theatre.她在伦敦拉丽克剧院的舞台上翩翩起舞。All the stage scenery has to be fireproofed.所有的舞台布景都必须是防火的。The actors could not see the audience because the stage was aglare with lights.因为台上灯光耀眼,演员无法看清观众。Swindon were six points down at one stage.斯温顿曾一度落后六分。The show was a fiasco - one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage.演出彻底搞砸了,一个演员忘了台词,另一个跌下了舞台。I had an attack of nerves just before I went on stage.登台前那一刻我感到非常紧张。What's your most memorable moment from your years on the stage?你登上舞台这么多年,最难忘的一刻是什么时候?As a lawyer, I would deprecate any sort of legal control on gene therapy at this stage.作为律师,我会反对在现阶段对基因疗法进行任何形式的法律管制。It would be premature to speculate as to the outcome at this stage.这个时候就推测结果还为时尚早。The company has been setting the stage recently for progress in the US.该公司最近一直在为推进其美国业务做准备。He's an experienced campaigner on the world stage.他是国际舞台上一位经验丰富的活动家。The spotlight followed her round the stage.聚光灯跟著她在舞台上转。Your first appearance on stage is always a nerve-wracking experience第一次上台总是会让人紧张的。The tourism industry there is still in/at an embryonic stage.那里的旅游业仍处于起步阶段。My aunt decided to stage a series of performances of a one-act play.我姑姑决定将一部独幕剧排演成系列剧搬上舞台。The government is at a stage where it is willing to talk to almost anyone.政府现在几乎愿意与任何人对话。Dressed as a pirate, he entered the stage flourishing his sword.他穿着海盗服,耀武扬威地舞着剑走上舞台。He made like a rooster and strutted across the stage.他装扮成一只公鸡,在舞台上大摇大摆地走过。At one stage in the match, he was trailing by three games, but he managed to fight back.比赛中有一段时间他落后三局,但他最终反败为胜。At that stage of her career she was still under contract to one of the big Hollywood studios.在事业发展中的那一时期,她仍同好莱坞一家大型电影公司有合约。She wanted to cut a figure on the international stage.她想在国际舞台上留下自己的身影。While everyone was watching the action on the left of the stage, the dancers entered from the opposite direction大家都在看舞台左边的表演时,舞蹈演员从另一边上场了。The disease is in an advanced stage.疾病已进入晚期。He gave a convincing stage performance as the unpleasant young debauchee.他在舞台上逼真地演绎出了一个生活糜烂放荡的年轻人形象。He had told us he felt nervous about the performance, but he seemed perfectly composed when he walked onto the stage.他告诉我们他对演出感到紧张,但一上台,他却显得非常镇定。I thought it would be silly to be too rude at that stage.我原本觉得在那个时候太粗鲁会很不明智。You have followed the explanation so far? All right, now we come to the second stage.到此为止你们听得懂我的解释吧?那好,现在让我们讨论第二阶段的内容。Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight.在大西洋城举行这场拳击比赛是众望所归。She went off the stage to loud cheers.她在响亮的欢呼声中走下舞台。He went on the stage at the age of 15.他十五岁开始登台演出。Norman stepped on to the stage amid tumultuous applause.诺曼在雷鸣般的掌声中走上了台。Then Gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song.然后格蒂走上舞台,唱了一首滑稽歌曲来逗我们开心。The bill was guillotined at the committee stage.在委员会审议阶段,这项法案即遭限制。Once its fuel supply runs out, each stage separates from the main part of the rocket and falls back to earth.每一级在燃料燃尽后,就会从火箭主体上脱落,落回到地球上。




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