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词汇 stabbed
例句 He was stabbed to death.他被刀刺中身亡。He had been lied to and stabbed in the back by people that he thought were his friends.他曾经被一些他视为朋友的人欺骗过,在背后被捅过刀子。The escaped prisoner stabbed at the policeman with a knife.逃犯用刀刺伤了警察。Their misery stabbed him to the heart.他们的悲惨遭遇使他心如刀割。Meyers was stabbed once in the abdomen and once in the neck.迈耶斯腹部和颈部各被捅了一刀。A social worker was found stabbed to death in her office last night.一名社会工作者昨晚被发现在办公室内被人捅死。Observers say the woman stabbed him.目击者称那个女人刺伤了他。The man was stabbed to death in his office.这男士在办公室里被刺身亡。There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed.有迹象表明,在她被连刺数刀前,曾与袭击者进行过搏斗。She stabbed at the dead animal with a stick.她用木棍捅那只动物的尸体。He bled to death after being stabbed repeatedly.他被连刺数刀后失血致死。He was stabbed in the chest.他胸部被刺。As she spoke she stabbed the air with her finger.她一边说一边用手指在空中比划着。He was stabbed to death by his vengeful wife.他被图谋报复的妻子拿刀捅死了。A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed.一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。His words stabbed her to the heart.他的话刺痛了她的心。He stabbed himself with the prongs of a fork.他用叉子的尖齿戳伤了自己。She had been raped and stabbed.她遭到强奸,还被捅了一刀。Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.有人朝他肚子上捅了一刀。Tina accidentally stabbed herself with her pencil.蒂娜不小心用铅笔戳着自己了。The victim had been stabbed six times.受害人被捅了六刀。Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。He stabbed at the omelette with his fork.他用叉子戳着煎蛋。A man has been stabbed to death in a road-rage attack.一男子在公路暴怒事件中被刺死。She stabbed/shot him in the back.她刺中/射中了他的背部。He was shot/stabbed to death.他被枪杀/刺死了。Luca stabbed her in the thigh with a breadknife.卢卡用一把切面包刀刺中她的大腿。She stabbed the meat with her fork.她用叉子叉肉。He was found stabbed in his car.他被发现刺死在车里。He stabbed the piece of meat with a fork. = He stabbed the fork into the piece of meat.他用叉子叉住了一块肉。I was stabbed with remorse.我因悔恨而心如刀割。He thereupon produced a knife and stabbed the assailant.他立刻抄起一把刀刺向了袭击他的人。The new striker ran up and stabbed the ball home.新的前锋冲上前去把球攻入。Thatcher was stabbed in the back by her former friends and colleagues in the Conservative Party.撒切尔夫人以前在保守党内的朋友和同事背叛了她。The thought stabbed through her like a knife.这念头就像刀割一样刺痛了她。She stabbed the air with her pen as she spoke.她说话时拿着钢笔在空中戳戳点点。The blue flame of the exhausts stabbed the darkness.排气口的蓝色火焰划破黑暗。His smile became a wince as pain stabbed through him.疼痛钻心时,他的笑容消失了, 变得皱眉蹙额。He raised his voice and stabbed the air with his pen.他提高嗓门,并用手中的钢笔在空中比比划划。Unknown assailants stabbed a British tourist and wounded his wife.一些身份不明的歹徒刺死了一名英国游客,并刺伤了他的妻子。




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