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词汇 stab
例句 Several of the victims suffered severe stab wounds.其中几个被害人受了严重的刀伤。She felt a stab of pity for him.她突然对他心生同情。She made a half-hearted stab at medical school, and quickly withdrew.她漫不经心尝试过考医学院,但很快就放弃了。He had suffered multiple stab wounds to his chest.他的胸口有多处刺伤。I had a stab at answering the question.我试图回答这个问题。She suffered/received a knife/stab wound to/in her thigh.她的大腿受了刀伤。Let me give it a stab. = Let me have a stab at it. 让我来试一试吧。We all know the sharp stab of jealousy as an old girlfriend comes back into view.我们都知道重见前女友时那种求之不得的刺痛感。He pulled/drew a knife on me and threatened to stab me with it.他朝我拔出刀,威胁要捅我。He seems friendly, but he wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back if he thought it would help him get your job.他貌似和善,但却会毫不犹豫地在背后中伤你,只要他认为这样做能得到你的那份工作。It was only a stab in the dark, but I hoped I could learn something.虽然那只是在瞎弄,但我还是希望能学会点儿东西。It's a stab in the dark, but we should try anyway.这是盲目的尝试,但我们还是应该试一试。He died from a stab to the heart. 他因心脏被刺中而死亡。He denounced the defection as a stab in the back.他谴责这一背叛行为是背后捅刀子。He killed him with a stab to the heart.他一刀刺中心脏把他杀死了。He was killed by one stab of the knife.他被一刀毙命。I felt a stab of pain in the back.我背部感到一阵剧痛。I'd never tried snorkelling before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.我以前从未潜过水,但在希腊时试过一次。Someone pulled a knife on him and threatened to stab him.有人掏出刀对着他,威胁要刺他。He felt a sharp stab of disappointment.他感到一阵失望的痛苦。She took/made a stab at solving the problem. 她试图解决这个问题。I'll have one more stab at it.这件事我要再试一次。I can't believe that someone I had helped and supported would steal from me. It's a real stab in the back.我无法相信我曾经帮助支持过的人会偷我的东西。这真是背后捅刀啊。Baxter was rushed to the hospital with multiple stab wounds.巴克斯特因遭多处刺伤被火速送进了医院。Even if you've never done it before, make a stab at it.即使你从未做过,不妨试一下吧。A sudden stab of pain twisted him up.一阵突然的剧痛使他挺不起身来。Barratt was taken to the hospital with stab wounds to his chest and neck.巴勒特胸口和颈部被捅伤,送到了医院治理。Such a vicious lie is nothing but a stab in the back.这种恶毒的谎言完全是暗箭伤人。The boy made a stab at the pig.男孩朝猪刺去。Several tennis stars have had a stab at acting.几位网球明星都已尝试涉足演艺圈。Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back.这种恶毒的谎言纯粹是暗箭伤人。Each word felt like a stab to the heart.每个字都像刀一样刺痛心脏。Dean tried to stab him with a screwdriver.迪安试图用一把改锥捅他。They don't really know how much the work will cost. They're just taking a stab in the dark.他们并不真的知道这项工作要花费多少。他们只是在瞎估计而已。He took his first stab at directing.他首次尝试做导演。




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