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词汇 political situation
例句 The political situation is still very unstable.政局依然非常动荡。The political situation was now relatively quiescent.政治形势现在相对平静。The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy.这里的政治情形更像是专制而非民主。I find the whole political situation so confusing! 我发现整个政局如此令人费解!They usually look at the political situation through rose-coloured spectacles.他们对政治局势常抱乐观态度。The political situation was becoming more volatile.政治局势正变得越来越动荡不安。The political situation was fluid then.当时的政治局势不稳。He is pretty clued up on the current political situation.他对当前的政治形势很熟悉。The political situation in the country is on the turn.这个国家的政治形势即将发生变化。Now that the crisis is over, it is time to take stock of the political situation in the region.现在危机过去了,是时候对该地区的政治形势审视一番了。He dipped into his knowledge of history to reconsider the present political situation.他利用自己的历史知识重新审视当前的政治形势。The political situation is potentially explosive.政治形势一触即发。The French President has lost touch with the reality of the political situation in France.这位法国总统与法国政界的现状脱了节。It took years for the political situation in the country to normalize.这个国家的政局过了多年才恢复正常。The political situation in the Balkans is still extremely volatile.巴尔干各国的政治局势仍旧极其动荡。I don't really understand the political situation in Northern Ireland.我并不十分了解北爱尔兰的政治形势。Liz was very well informed and questioned me about the political situation in Africa.莉兹见多识广,还问我非洲的政治局势呢。The peace talks resumed despite continuing uncertainty about the political situation.尽管政局仍变化不定,和谈还是继续进行。It is dangerous to visit there while the political situation is so unsettled.由于政局很不稳定,去那儿很危险。She spoke intelligently about the current political situation.她睿智地谈论当前的政治局势。The political situation in the country has deteriorated beyond all hope.这个国家的政治局势糟糕到了不可救药的地步。The talk began with a thumbnail sketch of the political situation at that time.讲座从对当时政治形势的简要概述开始。As last week's riots bear witness, the political situation is very unstable.上周的暴乱证明了政治局势非常不稳定。




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