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词汇 sprawl
例句 The suburbs sprawl across two hilltops.市郊散乱地延伸过两个山头。Boylan plays with language, letting the prose sprawl about before tightening it suddenly to great effect.博伊兰随心所欲地驾驭着语言,先是任文章自由铺展,然后猛地收住,产生了绝佳的效果。The unique charm of our suburbs will be destroyed as the cancerous sprawl of houses spreads.随着杂乱无章的住房不断扩展,我们郊区的独特魅力会被破坏。She lost her way in the grimy sprawl of back streets.她在一条条乱七八糟肮脏的陋巷里迷路了。The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。The town seemed to sprawl for miles.这城镇好像肆意扩展了数英里。They sprawl at ease across the sofa, arms draped over the back.他们惬意地躺在沙发上,胳膊搭在后面。If we continue to sprawl across the land, we're in for a terrible future.如果继续扩展地盘的话,我们将来就会遇到大麻烦。At that time, little was done to control the urban sprawl.那时没有采取什么措施来控制城市向乡村的扩展。In Oregon, planning has sought to control urban sprawl and protect farm and forest lands.俄勒冈州的规划力求限制城市肆意扩展,保护农田和林地。I found here a refreshing absence of industrial sprawl.我看到在这儿不存在大工业城市胡乱发展的景象,深感耳目一新。The natural habitats of Britain's wildlife have been ravaged by urban sprawl and pollution.英国的野生生物的自然栖息地已经被都市扩展和污染破坏了。The book deals with urban sprawl in villages.该书论述城市向农村漫无计划扩展的问题。The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation.一个个花园打扮得煞是好看,到处是绿茵茵的植被。He is lying in a sprawl on the grass.他正大张着四肢躺在草地上。The refugee camps sprawl across the landscape.眼前杂乱地散落着许多难民营。There was a stall with a sprawl of watermelons falling away from it.有一个摊位乱堆着西瓜,摇摇欲坠。He would take two aspirin and sprawl out on his bed.他会吃两片阿司匹林,然后摊开手脚躺在床上。Certain trees sprawl their branches.有些树枝条蔓生。I had a sprawl in one of the armchairs.我伸开四肢在其中一把扶手椅上躺了一会儿。We drove through several miles of urban sprawl.我们开车经过好几英里的城市延伸区。He is lying in a sprawl on the bed.他伸开四肢躺在床上。




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