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词汇 artillery
例句 The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars, and small arms.双方交火动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。His first argument didn't work, so he brought out the heavy artillery. 他的第一个论据没起作用,因此他又搬出一个更强有力的论据。Our unit assisted in neutralizing the enemy artillery.我们部队参加了压制敌军炮火的行动。By that time German artillery was already ranged on the heights around the town.到那时,德军大炮早已在镇子四周各处高地瞄准。Enemy forces lobbed a series of artillery shells onto the city.敌军对该城发起连串炮轰。They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, and machine guns.他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机枪突袭了首都。The enemy artillery pounded away.敌人的大炮连续轰击。The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.这座城市已经被猛烈的炮火夷为平地。The artillery had a field day with the enemy positions.火炮向敌军阵地大发威力。German artillery pounded enemy positions.德国大炮猛烈轰击敌方阵地。They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。The Jeep was carrying six men from the artillery brigade. Only one survived.这辆吉普车载着六个炮兵旅的人,只有一人生还。Cromwell's men had been bombarding the fort with their artillery for several days.连日来,克伦威尔的部下一直用大炮轰击堡垒。The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces.空袭压制了炮火,减轻了盟军地面部队受到的威胁。The soldiers of the artillery train had panicked.炮兵辎重队的士兵已惊慌失措。The artillery was called in.把炮兵部队调来了。The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.城市已被猛烈的炮火夷为平地。Our artillery opened up and we heard a fearful wailing and screeching.我们的炮弹一发,便听到可怕的哀号声和尖叫声。The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.联军对边境地区进行了一阵猛烈的炮击。Heavy artillery fire caused great losses.重砲轰击造成了很大损失。The two sides joined battle once again using artillery, mortars and heavy machine guns.双方使用火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。The marines took with them full combat equipment, including tanks, artillery, jeeps, and flamethrowers.海军陆战队带着全副战斗装备,包括坦克、大炮、吉普车和火焰喷射器。The artillery blazed without a pause throughout the battle.整场战役中大炮一刻不停地在射击。The artillery could only attenuate somewhat the force of the attack.炮兵部队仅能降低一些攻击的力度。The colonel forbade the use of artillery lest the city's industry be damaged.上校禁止使用大炮,以免该城的工业遭受破坏。Some of those artillery pieces look a little elderly.那些大炮中有些看起来有点老掉牙了。The enemy has enough heavy artillery to win the war.敌人有足够多的重炮赢得战争。Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.叛军的炮兵部队经常轰炸机场。The troops were being bombarded by artillery.部队受到炮火攻击。Use artillery to soften up the enemy forces.用大炮来削弱敌军。Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。The two sides exchanged fire with artillery, mortars and small arms.双方交火时动用了大炮、迫击炮和轻武器。At that moment, from behind the short bushes, there appeared the artillery ensign.此时从矮小的丛林后面出现了砲兵部队的军旗。The troops were backed by tanks, artillery, and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。The presidential palace has been hit again by concentrated artillery fire.总统官邸又一次遭到炮火的集中袭击。Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.一般而言,许多空投武器都要比军舰炮火和地面炮火精确性高。The artillery worried the enemy with intermittent shelling.大炮的阵阵轰击骚扰了敌人。Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings.火箭炮、迫击炮和各种炮弹如雨点般落在大楼上。Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap.成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这个镇。




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