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词汇 splendour
例句 The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour.部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour.这部电影的导演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华丽炫目的视觉效果。A splendour and harmony of nature invites the soul.大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。The palace has now been restored to its original splendour.宫殿经过修葺,如今已恢复了它昔日的辉煌。He blinked at the splendour of the ceremony.他对壮观的仪式大感惊奇。She has a passion for life in all its splendour.她非常喜欢奢华的生活。A butterfly emerged in its full splendour a week later.一周之后蝴蝶破茧而出,绚丽夺目。The city is regaining a little of its former splendour.这座城市在逐步恢复它昔日的辉煌。The audience gasped at the splendour of the costumes.观众看到华丽的服装惊呆了。The house has been restored to its original splendour.这座房子已经恢复了当初的光彩。They have restored the building to its former Victorian splendour.他们已经修复了这幢建筑,恢复了它往日维多利亚时代的辉煌。The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow.外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会。They dined in a special suite in glorious splendour.他们在一间富丽堂皇的专用套房里进餐。The painter tried to depict the splendour of the sunset.画家试图描绘出日落的壮丽景象。The girls were awed by the splendour of the cathedral.女孩们对大教堂的宏伟气象大为惊叹。There below lay Paris in all its splendour.那下面就是光彩夺目的巴黎。We marvelled at the splendour of the scenery.我们对这壮丽的景色赞叹不已。No other palace could match the splendour of the Taj Mahal.没有宫殿能比得上泰姬陵的富丽堂皇。All this splendour and ceremony may at first give the impression of high culture and sophistication.这种排场和礼数起初可能给人一种文化修养深、不同凡俗的印象。The city is renowned for its architectural splendour.这座城市以其宏伟的建筑著名。The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.这座城堡岿然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。Compared to his present existence, before had been splendour.和他目前的生活比较,以前的日子可算显赫的了。It will take a lot of repair work before the building regains its former splendour.要想使这座建筑重拾昔日的风采,必须进行大规模整修。




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