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词汇 Special
例句 Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef.哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。Special schools were hardest hit.特殊教育学校是受打击最为严重的。Special earplugs dulled the sound of the chain saw.特制的耳塞降低了链锯的噪声。Special kudos goes to Patrick Stewart for his role as the captain.特别荣誉归于扮演船长一角的帕特里克・斯图尔特。Special congratulations go out to Eric for a job done well.要特别祝贺埃里克出色地完成工作。The area has now been formally designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.这一地区现被正式定为特别科学兴趣保护区。Special stress was laid on the need to coordinate policies towards Eastern Europe.特别强调了需要协调对东欧的政策。Special care must be taken in handling very old books.搬动很旧的书时一定要格外小心。Special acknowledgments will be made at the end of the meeting.会议结束时将特别致谢。Special squads combed the hideout house.特警缉捕队彻底搜查了那所被用作藏身处的房子。Special preferences were offered initially to encourage investment.给予特殊优先权最初是为了鼓励投资。Special provision should be made for children.应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。Special measures are being taken to protect the local water supplies.现正采取特别措施以保护当地的供水。Special bus and rail services are being laid on to cater for the crowds.正在安排专门的巴士和铁路交通服务以满足群众的需要。Special mention must be made of Watson's wonderful performance as the doctor.特别应当提到的是沃森医生的杰出表现。Special activities were designed in the hospital to meet the needs of subnormals.医院为满足弱智者的需要而设计了特殊的活动。Special drilling equipment is being used to tunnel beneath the sea bed.在海底下面挖隧道用的是特殊的钻探设备。Special workers were called in to decontaminate the area after the oil spill.漏油事故发生后,专业人员被召集来给这一地区清除污染。Special provision should be made for children.应该为孩子们作出特别的安排。Special duties were imposed on imports into the republic.输入该共和国的货物加征了特别关税。Special-purpose glasses reduce glare.专用眼镜可使强光减弱。US Special Forces were closing in.美国特种部队正在步步逼近。Special ticket allocations were made for members of the company and their guests.这家公司的员工及其客人获特别票额分配。Special interest groups are soliciting Congress for funds.特殊利益集团正在向国会寻求资金。Special interests donate millions of dollars to political campaigns.特殊利益集团给政治活动捐赠了数百万美元。Zlotin was a Colonel with the Russian Special Forces.兹洛京是俄罗斯特种部队的一名上校。Special ships clear passages through the ice.专用船只在冰上开出通道。Special features include passenger airbags.特殊配置包括乘客安全气囊。The abrasive newcomer from Special Branch is very much of the old school.刚从政治保安处调来的那个讨厌鬼非常守旧。Special protective clothing is worn.穿上了特制的防护服。Special operations forces were on the ground in Afghanistan.特别行动部队已经登陆阿富汗。Special instruments record the speed and motion of the atoms.特殊仪器记录原子的速度和运动。Special thanks to all of you who supported our fund-raising campaign.特别感谢大家对我们筹款活动的支持。Special ramps have been designed for wheelchair access.已设计了特殊的斜坡作为轮椅通道。Special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.特别警察部分时间为正规警察部队提供协助。Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.这么大量的数据需要用专门的软件来处理。Special parking permits will be given to people with disabilities.将为残疾人发放特殊的停车许可证。Officers from Special Branch are investigating the case.政治保安处的警官正在调查这起案件。Special orders must be prepaid.特殊订单必须预先支付。Special conditions apply to the use of the library's rare books.使用图书馆的珍本书要符合特定条件。




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