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词汇 speakers
例句 Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers.我们的学习课程保证你们每天有机会和讲母语的人一起进行语言练习。The speakers have been repositioned for a better acoustic effect.扬声器重新摆放了一下,以获得更好的音响效果。The two speakers were chosen to represent opposite ends of the spectrum.选出的两个发言人分别代表对立的两极。Rules of grammar are more problematic for non-native speakers.语法规则对非母语说话者来说更难掌握。At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.在设菲尔德体育馆,演讲者在一个巨大的屏幕上被放大了十倍。The stereo sounds best when it is mated to/with high-quality speakers.立体声设备与高音质扬声器连接时,音效最好。The college has English classes for non-native speakers. 这所学院给非母语英语学习者开设了英语课。Some English words are difficult for speakers of other languages.一些英语单词对说其他语言的人来说是很难的。It has an added value for native speakers of English.这对于以英语为母语的人具有额外的价值。The speakers criticized his new programme for lack of definition.几位发言者批评他的新方案不够清楚明确。The chairman has rearranged the order of the speakers.主席已重新安排了发言者的发言顺序。Working with native speakers helped me get a good grasp of the language.同操本族语的人一起工作帮助我很好地掌握了这门语言。With a good set of speakers, you can reproduce the orchestra's sound in your own home.有一套好的扬声器,就可以在家里重现管弦乐队的音响效果。Election officials have rigged up speakers to provide voters with music.负责选举的官员们已经临时安了几个喇叭,让投票者可以同时享受音乐。We heard disembodied voices coming over the speakers.我们听到扬声器里传出的声音,却不见其人。Also among the speakers was the new American ambassador to Moscow.发言者当中还有驻莫斯科的新任美国大使。The chairman has rearranged the order of the speakers.主席重新安排了发言者的顺序。We've lined up some excellent speakers for tonight.我们为今天晚上安排了几个非常出色的演讲者。The computer has built-in stereo speakers.这台计算机有内置立体声扬声器。Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady.与会的发言人中有财政部长尼古拉斯·布莱迪。The westernmost part of north Wales is a stronghold of Welsh-speakers.北威尔士最西部是说威尔士语人的聚居区。The hotel has two English speakers on its staff.这个宾馆有两名员工会说英语。Speakers of Cantonese often cannot understand speakers of Mandarin.会说广东话的人往往听不懂普通话。The speakers declaimed on a variety of issues.发言者们就不同的议题慷慨陈词。That kind of mistake is rarely made by native speakers.母语者很少犯那类错误。All our English teachers are native speakers.我们所有的英语老师都是以英语为母语的。These sentiments were echoed by other speakers.这些观点得到了其他发言者的附和。Before they took power, they felt oppressed by the white English speakers who controlled things.他们在执政之前感到遭受了那些控制一切的说英语的白人的压迫。Have you connected the speakers to the amplifier?你把扬声器与扩音器连接上了吗?Jennings was one of the keynote speakers at the conference's opening session Thursday.在星期四的大会开幕式上,詹宁斯是主要发言人之一。How far apart should the speakers be?两个喇叭应相距多远?The speakers will include Anthony Lewis, the respected political analyst.演讲者将包括备受尊敬的政治分析家安东尼·刘易斯。Native speakers have a general sense of the appropriacy and inappropriacy of language.说母语的人对措词恰当与否大致有感觉。The debate degenerated into farce when opposing speakers started shouting at each other.双方辩手开始朝对方大喊,辩论成了一场闹剧。Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practise your study language with native speakers.我们的课程设计保证你每天有机会与说母语的人练习所学语言。Specially treated copper wires conduct the signal from the amplifier to the speakers.经过特别处理的铜线将信号从扩音器传送到扬声器。There were scuffles when UDF hecklers began to shout down the speakers.来自联合民主阵线的诘问者开始对演讲者大声起哄时,引发了多次冲突。Rock music boomed from speakers above the stage.舞台上方的扬声器里传来隆隆回响的摇滚乐声。The best way of improving your colloquial English is by listening to native speakers.提高英语口语水平的最佳途径是听以英语为母语的人说话。When learning a language, there is no substitute for living among native speakers.学习一种语言,没有比生活在母语使用者当中更好的方法了。




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